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48 results on this page.

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  *廠* | 廠* | *廠
factory / yard / depot / workhouse / works / (industrial) plant
article / essay / literary works / writings / hidden meaning / CL: , , 頁|页
to write / to compose / writing / written works
  *部* | 部* | *部
ministry / department / section / part / division / troops / board / classifier for works of literature, films, machines etc
  *集* | 集* | *集
to gather / to collect / collected works / classifier for sections of a TV series etc: episode
to collect (works of art, dolls, antiques etc); to put away for safekeeping; (Internet) to bookmark / a collection
  *作* | 作* | *作
to do; to engage in / to write; to compose / to pretend; to feign / to regard as; to consider to be / to be; to act the part of / to feel (itchy, nauseous etc) / writings; works
water conservancy / irrigation works
HSK 7-9
exquisite / fine and delicate (usu. of works of art)
HSK 7-9
books / works
HSK 7-9
blueprint / source material on which later works (books, movies etc) are based
original works / original text / original author
river conservancy works (dike maintenance, dredging etc) / river conservancy worker
student who also works part-time / (old) reform-school student
omnibus / complete works (of a writer or artist)
compilation / selected works
to be published (of art, literary works etc) / to come out / to take shape / to see the light of day
subdistrict office / neighborhood official / an official who works with local residents to report to higher government authorities
a plateful / comprehensive / the full works (e.g. a banquet) / the full price
iron and steel works / steelworks
to do good works / to be merciful
(literary) writer whose works are venerated as exemplary; eminent writer
anthology / selected works
selected works (poems, documents etc); anthology
collected works
cultural movement aspiring to study and emulate classic works, at different periods of history, esp. Tang and Song
crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can / to do things simply and thriftily / It's not pretty but it works.
(old) works of literature, including novels, plays etc
Ministry of Works (in imperial China)
(often used in the negative in describing a young person) to have an understanding of things / to know how the world works
defensive structure / military fortifications / (Tw) construction works / civil engineering works
natural charm (of writings, works of art etc)
medical doctor; physician who works primarily by administering drugs, as opposed to surgeon 外科醫生|外科医生
Selected Works of Mao Zedong
surgeon / as opposed to physician 內科醫生|内科医生, who works primarily by administering drugs
trial and error (abbr. for 嘗試錯誤法|尝试错误法) / to experiment (to see what works and what doesn't)
Zhang Yi (c. 3rd century), literary figure from Wei of the Three Kingdoms, other name 稚讓|稚让, named as compiler of earliest extant Chinese encyclopedia 廣雅|广雅 and several lost works
Luo Guanzhong (c. 1330-c. 1400), author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and other works
Ku Hung-ming or Gu Hongming (1857-1928), Malaysian man of letters, highly regarded for his literary works written mostly in English, and known for his monarchist views
water conservancy / irrigation works
Beijing Automobile Works (BAW)
part-time work in which one works each day for a half-day, typically a morning or an afternoon
Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back to the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)
Taku Forts, maritime defense works in Tianjin dating back to the Ming dynasty, playing a prominent role during the Opium Wars (1839-1860)
dye factory / dye-works
Selected Works of Mao Zedong (abbr. for 毛澤東選集|毛泽东选集)
fellmonger / a dealer who works with animal hides and skins

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