| | of; ~'s (possessive particle) / (used after an attribute when it modifies a noun) / (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis) / (used after a noun, verb or adjective to form a nominal expression, as in 皮革的 "one made of leather" or 跑堂兒的|跑堂儿的 "a waiter (literally, one who runs back and forth in a restaurant)" or 新的 "new one") / also pr. [di4] or [di5] in poetry and songs | HSK 1 |
| | point / dot / drop / speck / o'clock / point (in space or time) / to draw a dot / to check on a list / to choose / to order (food in a restaurant) / to touch briefly / to hint / to light / to ignite / to pour a liquid drop by drop / (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更 / dot stroke in Chinese characters / classifier for items | HSK 1 |
| | | HSK 1 |
| | rest / to rest | HSK 1 |
| | other / (sth or sb) else / the rest | HSK 2 |
| | to be able to / to subdue / to restrain / to overcome / gram / Tibetan unit of land area, about 6 ares | HSK 2 |
| | wine shop / pub (public house) / hotel / restaurant / (Tw) hostess club | HSK 2 |
| | variant of 克 / to subdue / to overthrow / to restrain | HSK 2 |
| | (of a restaurant) to provide a takeout or home delivery meal / takeout (business) / takeout (meal) | HSK 2 |
| | to receive / to accept / to collect / to put away / to restrain / to stop / in care of (used on address line after name) | HSK 2 |
| | river (CL: 條|条, 道) / (bound form) the Yellow River / (bound form) the Milky Way / (bound form) (on restaurant menus) rice noodles 河粉 | HSK 2 |
| | | HSK 2 |
| | someone / people / anyone / there is someone there / occupied (as in restroom) | HSK 2 |
| | to press / to push / to leave aside or shelve / to control / to restrain / to keep one's hand on / to check or refer to / according to / in the light of / (of an editor or author) to make a comment | HSK 3 |
| | to make an appointment / to invite / approximately / pact / treaty / to economize / to restrict / to reduce (a fraction) / concise | HSK 3 |
| | unpeaceful / unstable / uneasy / disturbed / restless / worried | HSK 3 |
| | to fall or drop / (of the sun) to set / (of a tide) to go out / to lower / to decline or sink / to lag or fall behind / to fall onto / to rest with / to get or receive / to write down / whereabouts / settlement | HSK 4 |
| | the rest / the others / remaining / remainder / apart from them | HSK 4 |
| | to restrict / to limit / to confine / restriction / limit / CL: 個|个 | HSK 4 |
| | to rest with; to lie in; to be due to (a certain attribute) / (of a matter) to be determined by; to be up to (sb) | HSK 4 |
| | to rest with; to lie in; to be due to (a certain attribute) / (often used in the negative) to care about | HSK 4 |
| | that's right / sure! / rest assured! / that's good / can't go wrong | HSK 4 |
| | to reinstate / to resume / to restore / to recover / to regain / to rehabilitate | HSK 5 |
| | dining hall / dining room / restaurant / CL: 間|间, 家 | HSK 5 |
| | to restrict / to limit to / to constrain / restriction / constraint | HSK 5 |
| | in addition / moreover / (used before a disyllabic verb to indicate that the action of the verb is applied to sth or sb previously mentioned) / to apply (restrictions etc) to (sb) / to give (support, consideration etc) to (sth) | HSK 5 |
| | | HSK 5 |
| | to rest / to take a break / to stop / to halt / (dialect) to sleep / a moment / a short while | HSK 5 |
| | to restore; to renovate / (computing) to repair (a corrupted file etc) | HSK 5 |
| | to restrict / condition | HSK 5 |
| | to bear / to endure / to tolerate / to restrain oneself | HSK 5 |
| | to bring under control / to regulate / to restore to good condition / (coll.) to fix (a person) / to prepare (a meal etc) | HSK 6 |
| | to reorganize; to recombine; to restructure | HSK 6 |
| | window / opening providing restricted access (e.g. customer service window) / computer operating system window / fig. medium / intermediary / showpiece / testing ground | HSK 6 |
| | to hold up in one's hand; to support with one's palm / sth serving as a support: a prop, a rest (e.g. arm rest) / (bound form) a shill / to ask; to beg; to entrust (variant of 託|托) / torr (unit of pressure) | HSK 6 |
| | solely engrossed in one thing / just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest) / simply / by all means / please feel free / do not hesitate (to ask for sth) | HSK 6 |
| | wantonly / without restraint (of enemy or malefactor) / unbridled | HSK 7-9 |
| | to restore to the original state / to reconstruct (an event) / reduction (chemistry) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to limit / to confine / to restrict sth within set boundaries | HSK 7-9 |
| | frame (e.g. door frame) / casing / fig. framework / template / to circle (i.e. draw a circle around sth) / to frame / to restrict / Taiwan pr. [kuang1] | HSK 7-9 |
| | to restore (sth) to (its) former condition / to recover from illness / recovery | HSK 7-9 |
| | to dwindle; to vanish; to make vanish / to exercise restraint; to curb (one's mirth, arrogance etc) / to astringe / (math.) to converge | HSK 7-9 |
| | to limit / to restrict / (bound form) limit / bound | HSK 7-9 |
| | to restrict to / to limit | HSK 7-9 |
| | to check / to contain / to hold back / to keep within limits / to constrain / to restrain | HSK 7-9 |
| | restricted area / forbidden region | HSK 7-9 |
| | at ease / to feel relieved / to set one's mind at rest / to keep one's mind on sth | HSK 7-9 |
| | to contain / to hold / (of a person or style etc) reserved / restrained / (of words, writings) full of hidden meaning / implicit / veiled (criticism) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to cure; to restore to health / uplifting; heartwarming | HSK 7-9 |
| | to choke / to stifle / to restrain / to hold back / to hold in (urine) / to hold (one's breath) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to restrain / to control / restraint / self-control | HSK 7-9 |
| | to endure / to bear with / to exercise patience / to restrain oneself / patience / endurance | HSK 7-9 |
| | restitution / return of something to its original owner / remittance | HSK 7-9 |
| | disturbance / crisis / disputes / restlessness / CL: 場|场 | HSK 7-9 |
| | to lie on one's stomach / to lean forward, resting one's upper body (on a desktop etc) / (Tw) percent | HSK 7-9 |
| | to control / to curb / to restrict / to impede / to pin down (enemy troops) | HSK 7-9 |
| | whereabouts / place to settle / reliable source (of funds etc) / (of responsibility for a matter) to rest with sb / settlement / solution | HSK 7-9 |
| | restaurant | HSK 7-9 |
| | to restrict / to restrain / constrained / awkward / ill at ease / uncomfortable / reticent | HSK 7-9 |
| | things like this (idiom); and so on / and the rest / etc | HSK 7-9 |
| | fickle and impatient / restless / giddy / scatterbrained | HSK 7-9 |
| | to show one's support for a performer or theatrical troupe etc by attending their show; to attend an event to cheer on the participants / to patronize a restaurant or store / to sing the praises of | HSK 7-9 |
| | overseas Chinese / (in a restricted sense) Chinese emigrant who still retains Chinese nationality / CL: 個|个, 位, 名 | HSK 7-9 |
| | to untie / (fig.) to ease restrictions | HSK 7-9 |
| | to reside / to be (in a certain position) / to store up / to be at a standstill / residence / house / restaurant / classifier for bedrooms | |
| | to check / to examine / to inspect / to exercise restraint | |
| | restrained | |
| | breath / news / interest (on an investment or loan) / to cease / to stop / to rest / Taiwan pr. [xi2] | |
| | to rest / to stop doing sth for a period of time / to cease / (imperative) don't | |
| | forbidden area / restricted area / (fig.) sth considered off-limits | |
| | to order dishes (in a restaurant) | |
| | to rest and reorganize (military) | |
| | to be limited / to be restricted / to be constrained | |
| | birchleaf pear (tree) / to stop / to prevent / to restrict | |
| | to control / to restrict / (PRC law) non-custodial sentence with specified restrictions on one's activities for up to 3 years (e.g. not to participate in demonstrations) | |
| | to stop on the way for a rest | |
| | to restart (a machine etc); to reactivate (a postponed project etc) | |
| | to act with self-restraint / to examine oneself / to perform a self-test | |
| | restrictions on entry and exiting / control over access | |
| | to go and return / to return / to resume / to return to a normal or original state / to repeat / again / to recover / to restore / to turn over / to reply / to answer / to reply to a letter / to retaliate / to carry out | |
| | to work and rest | |
| | trammels / fetters / yoke / to restrain / to hinder / restraint | |
| | fixed framework (idiom); restriction of social conventions and taboos (usually derogatory) / regulations and restrictions | |
| | to pay the bill (in a restaurant etc) (loanword from Cantonese) / (fig.) to bear responsibility | |
| | (bound form) pillow / to rest one's head on (Taiwan pr. [zhen4]) | |
| | to restrict / to agree to a contract / offer; bid | |
| | (fig.) to break the ice; to begin to restore amicable relations | |
| | to repair (sth broken); to restore (sth damaged) / to establish friendly relations with / (literary) to do meritorious deeds | |
| | to capture / to restrain / to constrain / to adhere rigidly to / inflexible | |
| | to perch / to rest (of birds) / to dwell / to live / to stay | |
| | restricted document, available only to certain individuals such as high-ranking Party officials (abbr. for 內部參考|内部参考) / (literary) palace eunuch | |
| | (bound form) to lie down to sleep or rest / (bound form) bedroom / (bound form) imperial tomb / (literary) to stop; to cease | |
| | compartment (of train, ship etc) / private room at restaurant / rented room for karaoke / hotel room rented by the hour | |
| | to suppress desire / self-restraint / asceticism | |
| | (literary) to hold back / (literary) to restrain; to control (oneself) / to collect; to gather / Taiwan pr. [lian4] | |
| | wording (of a proposal) / formulation / viewpoint (on an issue) / (one of eight methods of bonesetting in TCM) restoring the part displaced by a fracture to its correct position by lifting | |
| | (dialect) restaurant | |
| | completely secure / a sure thing / rest assured | |
| | to restore / to recover / great | |
| | resurgence / recovery / restoration | |