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Chinese painting
HSK 7-9
China Central Television (CCTV), abbr. for 中國中央電視台|中国中央电视台
abbr. for 中國共產黨|中国共产党, Chinese Communist Party
China United Telecommunications Corporation / aka China Unicom or Unicom / abbr. for 中國聯通|中国联通
Renmin University of China (abbr. for 中國人民大學|中国人民大学)
China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), abbr. for 中國保險監督管理委員會|中国保险监督管理委员会
abbr. for 中國社會科學院|中国社会科学院, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) / abbr. of 中國人民政治協商會議|中国人民政治协商会议
splendid / magnificent / abbr. for 中國光大銀行|中国光大银行, China Everbright Bank
China Democratic League (political party) / abbr. for 中國民主同盟|中国民主同盟
China Television Company (CTV), Taiwan (abbr. for 中國電視公司|中国电视公司)
China Youth (official newspaper) (abbr. for 中國青年報|中国青年报)
Bank of China (abbr. for 中國銀行|中国银行)
China Association for Promoting Democracy (abbr. for 中國民主促進會|中国民主促进会)
China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) (abbr. for 中國遠洋運輸|中国远洋运输)
China United Airlines, abbr. for 中國聯合航空|中国联合航空
the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930 / abbr. for 中國左翼作家聯盟|中国左翼作家联盟
abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)
mainland China
team building (abbr. for 團隊建設|团队建设) / building camaraderie within the Chinese Communist Youth League 中國共產主義青年團|中国共产主义青年团
Chinese Academy of Science
website of China News Service 中國新聞社|中国新闻社 (chinanews.com)
China Times (newspaper published in Taiwan) (abbr. for 中國時報|中国时报)
Communist Party of China
China Unicom
The Voice of China, PRC reality talent show
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) (abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会)
Chinese style / chinoiserie
Chinese Dream (i.e. the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation), term associated with Xi Jinping 習近平|习近平
China Telecom (Chinese company providing mobile phone service)
People's Bank of China
Renmin University of China
China Youth Daily, www.cyol.net
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) (abbr. for 中國證券監督管理委員會|中国证券监督管理委员会)
China Post (Chinese postal service)
Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)
socialism with Chinese characteristics, phrase introduced by the CCP in 1986 to refer to its ideological model, embracing the economic reforms of the post-Mao era
China Meteorological Administration (CMA)
China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, with undergraduate campus at Changping 昌平, and graduate campus in Haidian district 海淀區|海淀区
China Petrol and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA)
National Museum of China
Encyclopedia of China Publishing House
Chinese cuisine
Communication University of China (CUC), the highest institute of radio, film and television education in China
People's Bank of China (abbr. for 中國人民銀行|中国人民银行)
abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)
China concepts stock (stock in a Chinese company that trades on an exchange outside China or in Hong Kong) (abbr. for 中國概念股|中国概念股)
China Eastern Airlines
Chinese style / à la chinoise
National Art Museum of China
China Writers Association (CWA)
China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC), the information hub of the China Earthquake Administration 中國地震局|中国地震局
China Business (a Beijing newspaper)
China UnionPay (CUP), China's only domestic bank card organization
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) (abbr. to 證監會|证监会)
China News Service (CNS) (abbr. for 中國新聞社|中国新闻社)
Air China Ltd.
Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)
China Everbright Bank
China Times (newspaper published in Taiwan)
China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec / abbr. to 中石化
Free China (Cold War era term for the Republic of China on Taiwan, as distinct from "Red China")
CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)
China Communications and Transportation Association (CCTA)
Concise History of the Chinese Novel by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅
China National Petroleum Corporation
Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founded 1905, became the Guomindang 國民黨|国民党 in 1912
China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC), abbr. for 中國銀行業監督管理委員會|中国银行业监督管理委员会
to sinicize / to take on Chinese characteristics
Communist Youth League of China / China Youth League
China Association for Promoting Democracy (one of the non-Communist political parties in China)
Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)
Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)
China Law Society
junior high school (Tw) / abbr. to 國中|国中
China Education and Research Network (CERNET) / abbr. to 中國教育網|中国教育网
CNOOC; China National Offshore Oil Corporation
China Air Transport Association (CATA)
China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC)
China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC)
Jonathan D Spence (1936-), distinguished British US historian of China, author of The Search for Modern China 追尋現代中國|追寻现代中国
East China sea
Chinese People's Armed Police Force (PAP, aka CAPF)
China Writers Association (CWA) (abbr. for 中國作家協會|中国作家协会)
Chinese brown frog (Rana chensinensis)
China Democratic National Construction Association
China Consumers' Association (CCA)
China United Airlines
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, abbr. for 中國共產黨中央委員會|中国共产党中央委员会
China National People's Congress
People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)
China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, abbr. to 中共中央
Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomintang

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