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  *穿* | 穿* | *穿
to wear / to put on / to dress / to bore through / to pierce / to perforate / to penetrate / to pass through / to thread
  *累* | 累* | *累
tired / weary / to strain / to wear out / to work hard
  *帶* | 帶* | *帶
band / belt / girdle / ribbon / tire / area / zone / region / CL: 條|条 / to wear / to carry / to take along / to bear (i.e. to have) / to lead / to bring / to look after / to raise
  *靠* | 靠* | *靠
to lean against or on / to stand by the side of / to come near to / to depend on / to trust / to fuck (vulgar) / traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old)
  *圍* | 圍* | *圍
to encircle / to surround / all around / to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl)
  *戴* | 戴* | *戴
to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc) / to respect / to bear / to support
  *磨* | 磨* | *磨
to rub / to grind / to polish / to sharpen / to wear down / to die out / to waste time / to pester / to insist
  *服* | 服* | *服
clothes / dress / garment / to serve (in the military, a prison sentence etc) / to obey / to be convinced (by an argument) / to convince / to admire / to acclimatize / to take (medicine) / mourning clothes / to wear mourning clothes
(physics, fig.) vacuum / (slang) to not wear underwear
HSK 7-9
to subdue / to check / to bring under control / (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status / uniform (army, party, school etc) / livery (for company employees) / CL:
HSK 7-9
to suffer wear and tear; to deteriorate through use; to wear out
HSK 7-9
  *蹬* | 蹬* | *蹬
to step on; to tread on / to put on; to wear (shoes, trousers etc) / (slang) to dump (sb) / Taiwan pr. [deng4]
HSK 7-9
lit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idiom) / to make life difficult for sb
HSK 7-9
to break in / to wear in
HSK 7-9
  *著* | 著* | *著
to wear (clothes) / to contact / to use / to apply
  *衣* | 衣* | *衣
to dress / to wear / to put on (clothes)
  *佩* | 佩* | *佩
to respect / to wear (belt etc)
  *摜* | 摜* | *摜
to fling / to fall / to wear
to cover one's face; to wear a mask / brazen; shameless
to wear (as accessories)
to wear out the skin of one's teeth (idiom); pointlessly blather / to talk incessant nonsense / blah blah
(of a high-ranking official) to wear plain clothes in order to go about incognito
to wear a hat / (fig.) to stigmatize / to be branded as
to pull a long face / to wear a mournful expression
to wear (as accessories) / carry at the waist
to put on a suit of armor / to put on dress / to wear
wear and tear / to wear away over time
to rub one's head and heels (idiom); to slave for the benefit of others / to wear oneself out for the general good
to corrode; to erode; to wear away (lit. and fig.)
to wear down / to sap / to whittle away / to while away / to idle away
to wear mourning clothes / to be in mourning / also written 披麻戴孝
  *靸* | 靸* | *靸
children's shoe (old) / to wear one's shoes babouche style
(of writing etc) indistinct (due to water damage or wear)
to wear mourning garb / to be in mourning
to be glib in one's speech and wear an ingratiating expression (idiom)
to wear (one's shoes) like babouche slippers / (onom.) shuffling sound
lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back (idiom) / fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work / fig. to act stupidly
to wear mourning clothes / to be in mourning / also written 披麻帶孝|披麻带孝
to wear out (clothes) / to pierce (a membrane etc)
to wear inside out (clothes)
to wear the same outfit as sb else (in public)
to wear shoes
lit. to wear out one's iron shoes (idiom) / fig. to search high and low
to put on / to wear (mouthguard, contact lenses, hearing aid etc)
to wear
to wear a watch / homophone for 代表 used to avoid Internet censorship in the PRC
to wear (a garment)
to wear (on one's face)
lit. the barefooted people are not afraid of those who wear shoes (idiom) / fig. the poor, who have nothing to lose, do not fear those in power
to wear a condom
to wear colored glasses / to have a prejudiced viewpoint
to corrode; to erode; to wear away (lit. and fig.)
to wear out (tools)
clothing that exposes the arms and legs (e.g. shorts, sleeveless top); to wear such clothing
to wear out one's lips (idiom) / to talk until one is blue in the face / to repeat again and again
to wear out the doorstep (idiom) / to crowd at sb's door
to look (tired, pleased etc) / to wear (a smile, a puzzled expression etc)

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