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  *女* | 女* | *女
female / woman / daughter
children; sons and daughters
girl / young woman / young lady / daughter / paternal aunt (old) / CL: 個|个
son's daughter / granddaughter
children; sons and daughters / a young man and a young woman (in love)
mother and daughter / mother-daughter
father and daughter
daughter-in-law / wife (of a younger man) / young married woman / young woman
HSK 7-9
  *嫁* | 嫁* | *嫁
(of a woman) to marry / to marry off a daughter / to shift (blame etc)
HSK 7-9
daughter's husband; son-in-law
HSK 7-9
maiden; unmarried woman / (coll.) daughter
HSK 7-9
  *妻* | 妻* | *妻
to marry off (a daughter)
mother-in-law and daughter-in-law
thousand jin (pounds) of gold / money and riches / (honorific) invaluable (support) / (honorific) daughter
my daughter (humble)
senior female fellow student or apprentice / daughter (older than oneself) of one's teacher
  *囡* | 囡* | *囡
child / daughter
to make an offer of marriage (to another family on behalf of one's son or daughter) / to seek a marriage alliance
parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law / relatives by marriage
adopted daughter
filial piety (Confucian virtue) / to be a good son or daughter
brother's daughter; niece
mythological bird, reincarnation of drowned daughter Nüwa 女娃 of Fiery Emperor 炎帝
eldest daughter
junior female student or apprentice / daughter (younger than oneself) of one's teacher
daughter's son / grandson / descendant via the female line
lit. a pearl in the palm (idiom) / fig. beloved person (esp. daughter)
paternal great-aunt (father's father's sister) / (respectful form of address for a married woman used by members of her parents' family) married daughter / (brassy self-reference used by a woman in an altercation) I; me; this lady here / (coll.) form of address for an unmarried girl or woman, expressing affection or reproach
mythological daughter of Fiery Emperor 炎帝 who turned into bird Jingwei 精衛|精卫 after drowning
pretty daughter in a humble family
  *媳* | 媳* | *媳
girl from a wealthy family / unmarried daughter of a noble house
second daughter
bride / (dialect) daughter-in-law
beautiful woman / fairy maiden attending the Daoist immortals / (polite) sb else's daughter / Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis), plant whose seeds are used for TCM
adopted daughter
to marry off a daughter
child bride / girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law
(courteous) your daughter
sister's daughter; niece
(idiom) a son or daughter; a child
(literary) to have a baby girl; to celebrate the birth of a daughter
to become engaged / to affiance (a daughter)
(old) brother's son or daughter / nephew
foster daughter
incest between father-in-law and daughter-in-law
a daughter who is an only child
noble lady / (honorific) your daughter
Park Geun-hye (1952-), Korean politician, daughter of former dictator Park Chung-Hee 朴正熙, president of Korea 2013-2017
eldest daughter of an affluent family / (polite) your daughter / bossy or indulged young woman / Miss High and Mighty
incest between father-in-law and daughter-in-law / also written 扒灰
father's brother's daughters / paternal female cousin
lit. to hope one's daughter becomes a phoenix (idiom) / fig. to hope one's daughter is a success in life
sister's daughter / wife's sibling's daughter
son's daughter's husband / granddaughter's husband
brother's daughter's husband / niece's husband
adopted daughter (traditional adoption, i.e. without legal ramifications)
daughter's daughter / granddaughter
granddaughter (one's daughter's daughter)
(coll.) daughter's son / grandson
sister's daughter's husband
to get oneself a wife / to take a daughter-in-law
lit. even a submissive daughter-in-law will one day become a domineering mother-in-law (idiom) / fig. the oppressed will become the oppressor / what goes around comes around
daughter cell
granddaughter (son's daughter)
Nereids (Greek sea nymphs, fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris) / Nereid, moon of Neptune
a gift of money given by parents on both sides after a wedding, to their new daughter-in-law or son-in-law
Bia, daughter of Pallas and Styx in Greek mythology, personification of violence
a daughter who is an only child
virtuoso piper wins a beauty / the xiao 簫|箫 (mouth organ) virtuoso 蕭史|萧史 won for his wife the beautiful daughter of Duke Mu of Qin 秦穆公
Pai Hsiao-yen (daughter of Pai Ping-ping)
lit. the emperor's daughter does not worry about whether she will be able to marry (idiom) / fig. highly sought after
child bride / girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law
father's sister's daughters / maternal female cousin
daughter of a male cousin via female line
unprofitable goods; item that can only be sold at a loss / daughter (so called in former times because daughters required a dowry when they married)
lit. the ugly daughter-in-law must sooner or later meet her parents-in-law (idiom) / fig. it's not something you can avoid forever

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