Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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18 results on this page.

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  *险* | 险* | *险
danger / dangerous / rugged
(of terrain) mountainous; rugged / (of a situation) precarious; daunting
dangerous and difficult (path)
insurance type
dangerous / sinister / vicious
perilous peak / the lofty heights
peril / dangerous circumstance
strategically situated and easy to defend / strategic location
narrowly / almost / nearly
critical circumstances / risky conditions / danger zone
dangers spring up all around (idiom); surrounded by perils
to win by a narrow margin / to barely win / narrow victory
shoals; rapids; treacherous section of a river
critical illness
sinister and deceitful
dangerous ball (in soccer, volleyball etc)
evil omen
(of terrain) rugged, providing a natural barrier to invasion

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