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15 results on this page.

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mirror / CL: , 個|个
camera lens / camera shot (in a movie etc) / scene
  *鏡* | 鏡* | *鏡
mirror / lens
mirror image
picture frame / spectacle frame
eyeglasses frame / CL: / mirror support
Jinghu, a district of Wuhu City 蕪湖市|芜湖市, Anhui
lit. flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake (idiom) / fig. an unrealistic rosy view / viewing things through rose-tinted spectacles / also written 水月鏡花|水月镜花
Jinghu, a district of Wuhu City 蕪湖市|芜湖市, Anhui
Jinghua Yuan or Flowers in the Mirror, Qing novel of fantasy and erudition (early 19th century) by Li Ruzhen 李汝珍
to lose one's spouse
(computing) mirror site
decorative mirror
theatrical set

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