Dictionary content from CC-CEDICT

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Chinese dictionary for Windows 10

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32 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *输* | 输* | *输
to lose; to be beaten / (bound form) to transport / (literary) to donate; to contribute / (coll.) to enter (a password)
to import / to input
to export / to output
to transport; to convey; to deliver
HSK 7-9
intravenous infusion; to get put on an IV
HSK 7-9
loser (as opposed to winner 贏家|赢家)
HSK 7-9
to transfuse blood / to give aid and support
HSK 7-9
electricity transmission / to transmit electricity
win or loss / outcome
vas deferens
to be in the wrong
to lose to (sb) / to be outdone by
to lose
(ball sports) to lose a match
to inject / infusion
to transport / transportation
(sediment) transport
conveyor belt
to take defeat with bad grace / to be a sore loser / cannot afford to lose
quantity of sand (transported by a river) / sediment content
input device (computer)
vas efferens
input method
input system / data entry system
export item / product for export
Fallopian tube / oviduct
ink supply mechanism
can afford to lose / to take defeat with good grace
pipe / pipeline
petroleum pipeline
transport medium

Tip: In the word dictionary, the Chinese sentence lookup can lookup whole Chinese sentences, automatically splitting it into separate words.
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