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33 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
greeting card / congratulation card
congratulatory letter or message
HSK 7-9
congratulatory telegram
HSK 7-9
  *贺* | 贺* | *贺
surname He
  *贺* | 贺* | *贺
to congratulate
to extend New Year's greetings / to pay a New Year's visit
Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川, Ningxia
to congratulate
congratulatory gift
message of congratulation
New Year greeting card
letter of congratulations / greeting card (e.g. for New Year)
New Year's card / CL: 張|张
He county in Guangxi
to exchange compliments on New Year's Day
He Long (1896-1969), important communist military leader, died from persecution during the Cultural Revolution
He Chao (active c. 711), Tang dynasty poet
He Zhizhang (659-744), Tang dynasty poet
guest (to a wedding etc)
Horace, full Latin name Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65-8 BC), Roman poet
Helan Mountains, lying across part of the border between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia
Chinese brand name of Lamivudine 拉米夫定
hormone (loanword)
He Jinli, Chinese name adopted by Kamala Harris (1964-), US vice president 2021-
He Zizhen (1910-1984), Mao Zedong's third wife
Hezhou, prefecture-level city in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区
(bird species of China) Kozlov's accentor; Mongolian accentor (Prunella koslowi)
(bird species of China) Przevalski's redstart; Ala Shan redstart (Phoenicurus alaschanicus)
Helan Mountains, lying across part of the border between Ningxia and Inner Mongolia
Helan county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川, Ningxia
Mike He (1983-), Taiwanese actor

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