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  *调* | 调* | *调
to transfer / to move (troops or cadres) / to investigate / to enquire into / accent / view / argument / key (in music) / mode (music) / tune / tone / melody
  *调* | 调* | *调
to harmonize / to reconcile / to blend / to suit well / to adjust / to regulate / to season (food) / to provoke / to incite
to adjust / adjustment / revision / CL: 個|个
investigation / inquiry / to investigate / to survey / survey / (opinion) poll / CL: 項|项, 個|个
naughty / mischievous / unruly
to adjust / to regulate / to harmonize / to reconcile (accountancy etc)
to mediate / to bring parties to an agreement
to transfer / to maneuver (troops etc) / movement of personnel / to mobilize / to bring into play
to investigate and research / research / investigation
to debug / to adjust components during testing / debugging
HSK 7-9
to regulate / to control
HSK 7-9
to dispatch (vehicles, staff etc) / to schedule / to manage / dispatcher / scheduler
HSK 7-9
condiment / seasoning / flavoring
HSK 7-9
to ridicule / to tease / to mock / idle talk / chitchat
HSK 7-9
to modulate; modulation
to concoct by mixing ingredients; to prepare according to a recipe; to make (a salad, a cocktail, cosmetics etc)
tune / melody / tuning / cadence / intonation / (speech) tone
to adjust / to balance / to make up a medical prescription
to allocate / to deploy
to blend (colors, herbs); to mix
to nurse one's health / to recuperate / to take care of / to look after / to discipline / to educate / to train / to prepare food / (dialect) to make fun of / (medicine) to opsonize
to blend colors / to mix colors
to transfer (for a specific purpose) / to allocate / (computing) to invoke (a command, an application etc)
(musical) mode
to raise or lower the price / price adjustment
to bring in / to call in / to transfer (a person, data) / (computing) to call / to load (a subroutine etc)
to instruct / to teach / to train / to raise (livestock)
to adjust the speed
to transfer / to move to another post
to take liberties with a woman / to dally / to assail a woman with obscenities
seasoning / condiment / flavoring / dressing / essences
to take care of (sb's health) / to nurse
to focus
to steal sb's valuable item and substitute a similar-looking but worthless item; to sell a fake for the genuine article; to palm off
to send (products) / to allocate / to commit (funds) / to channel (goods)
to sow discord
to transfer a dossier / to consult a dossier
to exchange / to change places / to swap
frequency modulation / FM
amplitude modulation (AM) / size of an adjustment
harmonious / to adjust / to tune (e.g. wireless receiver) / to bring into harmony
harmonious / to mediate; to reconcile / mediation / to compromise / to mix; to blend / blended / to season / seasoning / to placate
to summon / to muster / to assemble
to compensate for working on a holiday by resting on a workday / to compensate for resting on a workday by working on a holiday
to reassign sb to a different job / to turn around / to change direction / to make a U turn
to adapt (to an environment etc) / to make sth suitable / adaptation / adjustment / adaptive
to tune (a musical instrument)
to move an army and send a general (idiom); to deploy an army / to send a team on a task
to dispatch / to assign / a dispatch
tone (of voice) / tune
to tease / to poke fun at
to reconcile / to mediate / to bring warring parties to agreement / to arbitrate
to access (a document) / to consult
to lure the tiger from its domain in the mountains (idiom) / to lure an enemy away from his territory
to send on assignment / to deploy (troops)
to blend (cooking) / to mix evenly
tone mark on a Chinese syllable (i.e. accents on ā á ǎ à) / (music) key signature
melody / pitch or key (music) / tone / style / point of view
to be transferred to another post / to post away
pitch of tones
wage adjustment / to raise or lower wages
to harmonize / to match
to provoke / to stir up (trouble) / to instigate
(literary) to nurse to health; to recuperate
to reassign a cadre / to choose a worker to be promoted to cadre
to tease / to make fun of / to provoke / to stir up (trouble)
to relieve a garrison
to incite trouble between people (idiom)
to consult the archives; to check the records (usually of legal proceedings)
to sow the seeds of discord everywhere (idiom)
variant of 掉頭|掉头
to tune (e.g. piano)
(music) tonality / (of an actor, company, magazine etc) style; image; tone; voice; character
to mix drinks / cocktail
(Tw) to lower (prices, interest rates etc) / to reduce / to cut
to requisition / to dispatch
to obtain (information from an archive etc)
modulation / to modulate (electronics)
to promote
to adjust upward / to upgrade / (price) hike
phase modulation
gear shift
to look after and train (animals)
to transfer an employee to another post; reassignment / also pr. [tiao2 gang3]
to train / to care for and educate
seasoning / condiment / flavoring / dressing / essences
to hold forth / to quibble
to make fun of / to mock
results (of an investigation, poll)
to adjust to the right value / to tune / to focus (a camera etc) / to set (the date, the time) to the correct value
questionnaire / inventory list / CL: 張|张,
flavoring agent
naughty; mischievous; to act up

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