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  *表* | 表* | *表
exterior surface / family relationship via females / to show (one's opinion) / a model / a table (listing information) / a form / a meter (measuring sth)
  *表* | 表* | *表
watch (timepiece) / meter; gauge
(of sb) to express; to state; to show / (of sth) to indicate; to signify; to show / expression; manifestation
to express; to convey
form; table / CL: 張|张,
play / show / performance / exhibition / to perform / to act / to demonstrate / CL: 場|场
to show / to show off / to display / to manifest / expression / manifestation / show / display / performance (at work etc) / behavior
surface / face / outside / appearance
to make clear / to make known / to state clearly / to indicate / known
(facial) expression / to express one's feelings
to praise / to commend
outwardly; superficially; on the face of it
to declare one's position / to say where one stands
HSK 7-9
to honor / to commend / to cite (in dispatches)
HSK 7-9
to explain oneself / to express / to reveal one's thoughts or feelings / declaration / confession
HSK 7-9
to express; to articulate; to formulate
HSK 7-9
to decide by vote / to vote
HSK 7-9
example / model
HSK 7-9
outward appearance / superficial / (philosophy, psychology) representation / idea / (math.) representation
the outside and the inside / one's outward show and inner thoughts / exterior and interior
older male cousin via female line
to show / to reveal (one's feelings etc)
surface layer
meter dial / watch face
expression (math.)
form (document)
symbol; indicator; representation
watchband; watch strap
watchband; watch strap
younger female cousin via female line
epidermis / cuticle
outside appearance and inner reality differ (idiom); not what it seems / saying one thing but meaning sth different
surface soil / topsoil
cousin (via female line)
younger male cousin via female line
literary name (an alternative name of a person stressing a moral principle) / courtesy name
to express meaning / ideographic
hand of a clock
wife of older male cousin via female line
external appearance and inner thoughts coincide (idiom); to say what one means / to think and act as one
variant of 表盤|表盘 / watch face
older female cousin via female line
son of grandfather's sister / son of grandmother's brother or sister / father's younger male cousin / (Hong Kong slang) mainlander
statistical form / book of tables or forms
superficial show / going through the motions
older male cousin via female line
sth given as a token / souvenir
son of a male cousin via female line
to show off one's accomplishments (often derog.)
phonetic / phonological / transliteration
image macro / visual meme / sticker package / emoticon collection
memorial to the Emperor
male cousins via female line
expressive power
surface tension
epitope (in immunology) / antigenic determinant
rear sight (of a gun)
statistical tables and reports
husband of younger female cousin via female line
female cousins via female line
father's female cousin via female line
daughter of a male cousin via female line
surface temperature
watch glass / crystal
father's sister's daughters / maternal female cousin
husband of older female cousin via female line
wife of younger male cousin via female line / younger cousins via female line
wife of younger male cousin via female line
ideograph / ideographical writing system
right to vote / vote
exhibition match
to overact / to overdo one's part
presentation layer
expression (math.)
superficial syndrome / illness that has not attacked the vital organs of the human body
to show in full light / to be revealed in its entirety
to come to the surface / to become apparent
surface coat
watch crown; winding crown

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