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to take down (in writing) / notes / a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches / CL:
  *笔* | 笔* | *笔
pen / pencil / writing brush / to write or compose / the strokes of Chinese characters / classifier for sums of money, deals / CL: ,
notebook (stationery) / CL: / notebook (computing)
written examination / paper test (for an applicant)
to put down in writing / to take down notes / transcript / record
pen name / pseudonym
strokes of a Chinese character
brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy / brushwork / style of drawing or writing
the wording and purport of what one writes
technique of writing, calligraphy or drawing
perfectly straight / straight as a ramrod / bolt upright
written translation
ability to write / writing skill / written / in written form
pen container; brush pot
pen rack / pen-holder
pencil lead; pen refill
the shaft of a pen or writing brush / (metonym) pen (as in 耍筆桿|耍笔杆 and 搖筆桿|摇笔杆)
paintbrush; writing brush (esp. in graphics software)
to do a sum in writing / written calculation
stroke order (when writing Chinese character)
pen and ink / words / writing
the tip of a writing brush / vigor of style in writing / stroke / touch
PEN (association of writers)
(standing) very straight / straight as a ramrod / bolt upright / well-ironed / trim
to make a living by writing / to write (as an author)
to communicate by means of written notes (instead of speaking) / to publish one's opinion (e.g. as part of a scholarly dialogue) / (in book titles) essays / sketches
nib / pen point / the tip of a writing brush or pencil
(of writing) tone / style
pen pal
the author; the writer (usu. refers to oneself)
the cap of a pen, pencil, or writing brush
the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush / the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread)
lit. the brush flows with the fluidity of a dragon or snake (idiom) / fig. (of brushwork, esp for calligraphy) lively; vigorous
to write elegantly
a slip of a pen / CL: 處|处
written polemics
variant of 筆畫|笔画
a form of automatic writing in which two or more participants hold a single pen over a sheet of paper and invite a spirit to write answers to their questions / a spirit so invited
notebook (computer) / CL: 臺|台,
writing brush and ink stone
pencil lead / refill (for a ball-point pen)
(poorly paid) ghostwriter or substitute calligrapher
notebook (computer)
stroke count (number of brushstrokes of a Chinese character)
written evidence, as opposed to oral evidence 口供
lookup table for Chinese character based on radical and stroke count
vigor of strokes in calligraphy or drawing / vigor of style in literary composition
ability to write
pen / an effective writer
penne pasta
laptop / notebook (computer)
laptop / notebook (computer) / CL: 臺|台,

Tip: The Chinese character quiz can help you to practice Chinese characters.
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