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  *穷* | 穷* | *穷
poor / destitute / to use up / to exhaust / thoroughly / extremely / (coll.) persistently and pointlessly
poor people / the poor
to use up / to exhaust / to probe to the bottom / limit / end
impoverished / destitute
lit. barren hills and wild rivers (idiom) / fig. inhospitable natural environment
to pursue relentlessly
(of a scholar) impoverished, shabby and pedantic / impoverished pedant
lit. the path exhausted, the end of the road (idiom); an impasse / in a plight with no way out / things have reached a dead end
(vulgar) impoverished person; the poor
to travel on a small budget
destitute / wretched poverty
fiendish / black-hearted
to engage in wars of aggression at will (idiom) / militaristic / bellicose
poor country
a remote and desolate place
cornered enemy
to pursue relentlessly
(idiom) when you hit bottom, you have to come up with a new approach
destitute / troubled / penniless and full of care
to indulge in a life of luxury (idiom); extreme extravagance
(idiom) at home be frugal, but when traveling be prepared to spend
to exhaust / to use up
extravagant in the extreme (idiom)
poor but spirited person / (old) (derog.) peasant
extremely; utterly
to raise (a child) frugally
to be short of sth / to be wanting in sth
exhausted and hungry
hard-up / in dire straits / desperate
poor wretch / pauper / destitute man / poverty-stricken peasant / penniless good-for-nothing / impecunious vagabond
the poor are ignored in the busiest city; the rich will find relatives in the deepest mountain
to shake uncontrollably / to jiggle (one's leg etc)
the working poor
poor but ambitious (idiom); hard-pressed but determined / the worse one's position, the harder one must fight back
those who did not benefit from the Chinese economic reforms of the 1980s / see also 富二代
lit. poor and with few means of subsistance (idiom) / fig. destitute
to think hard (idiom) / to give sth much thought
impoverished and dejected; wretched and penniless
to struggle to cope (with a situation) / to be at one's wits' end
Archimedes' method of exhaustion (an early form of integral calculus)
wretched look / shabby looks
a desperate rat will bite the fox (idiom); the smallest worm will turn being trodden on

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