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76 results on this page.

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society / CL: 個|个
community / neighborhood
  *社* | 社* | *社
(bound form) society; organization; agency / (old) god of the land
association / society / group / union / club / organization
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
interaction / social contact
HSK 7-9
editorial (in a newspaper) / CL:
HSK 7-9
social insurance (abbr. for 社會保險|社会保险)
state / country / the Gods of earth and grain
social work / social worker
community / social grouping
editorial (in a newspaper) / also written 社論|社论
Sheqi county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳, Henan
social science (abbr.)
commune member (PRC, 1958-1985) / member of a society (or other organization)
president or director (of association etc)
socialist party
theatrical performance (e.g. on religious festival)
Social Democratic party
lit. rat in a country shrine, fox on town walls; fig. unprincipled thugs who abuse others' power to bully and exploit people
(coll.) corporate drone (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 社畜 "shachiku")
social sciences
social work
social phobia (abbr. for 社交恐懼症|社交恐惧症)
(neologism c. 2020) (slang) to die of embarrassment (figuratively)
social worker
social media
festival entertainment (lion dance, dragon lantern etc)
social recruiting (abbr. for 社會招聘|社会招聘)
social phobia / social anxiety
social activity
social environment; milieu
social dancing
social security
private financing (abbr. for 社會融資|社会融资)
social care
public interest
social services
social democracy
private (non-government) financing
social class
(Chinese) Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
social accomplishment
(neologism c. 2021) gregariousness / facility in social interaction / confidence in social settings
social networking site
Ming or Qing dynasty school
social worker
Sheqi county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳, Henan
Socialist Education Movement (1963-66), formal name of the Four Cleanups Movement 四清運動|四清运动
social enterprise
social security (abbr. to 社保)
social credit system, a system that incentivizes individuals and businesses by creating consequences for good and bad behavior
to socialize
celebrity; public figure
social group / community organization
social equality
social justice
social democracy
Social Democratic Party
social rank; class; caste
aggregate social demand / total requirement of society
social actions
social Darwinism
social relation
(Tw) public order laws / abbr. of 社會秩序維護法|社会秩序维护法
(Tw) social media
social movement (abbr. for 社會運動|社会运动)
Shetou Township in Changhua County 彰化縣|彰化县, Taiwan
Shetou Township in Changhua County 彰化縣|彰化县, Taiwan

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