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  *看* | 看* | *看
to see; to look at / to read / to watch / to visit; to call on / to consider; to regard as / to look after / to treat (a patient or illness) / to depend on / to feel (that) / (after a verb) to give it a try / to watch out for
to see
to visit a doctor / to see a patient
to see / to catch sight of
way of looking at a thing / view / opinion / CL: 個|个
it would appear / it seems (that)
seemingly; apparently; looks as if; appears to be; gives the impression that; seems on the face of it to be
apparently / it seems that
to pay a visit to; to see (sb)
to look down upon / to despise
to look upon; to regard
to make out / to see
to regard as
  *看* | 看* | *看
to look after / to take care of / to watch / to guard
to look upon as / to regard as
to regard as having good prospects
to look after
to show respect for / to think highly of
can see / visible
to look as if; to seem
HSK 7-9
to regard as important; to value
HSK 7-9
terrace / spectator's grandstand / viewing platform
HSK 7-9
to nurse / to look after / to watch over / (old) hospital nurse
HSK 7-9
to enjoy watching a bustling scene / to go where the crowds are
HSK 7-9
it seems / it looks as if
HSK 7-9
to have a preference for / to fancy / to choose after consideration / to settle on
HSK 7-9
can see / can tell
HSK 7-9
qualities that make sth worth seeing (or reading)
to read / to study
to take a look at / to examine / to survey / (coll.) pretty soon
highlight (of an event, movie etc)
to keep an eye on
to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
to guard / to watch over
to come to accept an unpleasant fact / to get over sth / to cheer up
to follow sb's example / to emulate / (of troops etc) to dress (come into alignment for parade formation)
to see clearly
to understand what one is reading or watching
to watch a play / to watch passively (i.e. from the sidelines, from the crowd)
to regard as / to look upon as
bull market (prices appear to be rising)
to see through / disillusioned with / to reject (the world of mortals)
to look upon / to take a fancy to / to fall for
to look after the house / (of skill, ability) special / outstanding
(old) (used by novelists) dear readers; (used by storytellers) dear audience members
audience; spectators; onlookers
to belittle / to scorn / to take sth lightly
to regard as unimportant / to be indifferent to (fame, wealth etc) / (of an economy or a market) to slacken
to understand thoroughly / to see beyond the facade / to see through (sb)
to watch over
to have a low opinion of
to detain / to take into custody / to imprison temporarily
see through (a person, scheme, trick etc)
lit. to eat depending on the dish (idiom) / fig. to act according to actual circumstances
cannot bear to see / to hate / to dislike / to disapprove
lit. to eat depending on the dish, cut cloth according to the body (idiom) / fig. to act according to actual circumstances
to watch a movie
to gape at / to stare blankly / to stare in rapture / to stare in awe
detention center
to make an error of judgment / to be taken in
unable to make sense of what one is looking at
to observe; to take it all in
janitor / watchman
to watch a football game (or other ball game) / Fore! (golf) / Watch out for the ball!
(in the expression 看在 + ... + 的份上) for the sake of ...; considering ...
to observe and make sure / to check
to misinterpret what one sees or reads / to misjudge (sb) / to mistake (sb for sb else) / to misread (a document)
to watch for an opportunity / to see one's chance to
can't discern
to treat people according to their rank and one's relationship with them (idiom)
to watch with amusement as sb makes a fool of himself
(of a doctor) to see a patient; to give a consultation / (of a patient) to see a doctor
unpleasant to the eye / objectionable
to take a liking for / to fancy
a bird-watcher
to have a look
not impressed by
not able to see clearly
cannot see / cannot be seen / invisible
cannot stand by idly and watch / unable to put up with it any longer / see 看不過去|看不过去
cannot stand by idly and watch / unable to put up with it any longer
(dialect) to treat sb according to their social status, relationship with them etc (idiom) / not to treat everyone equally favorably
dear reader / dear listener
presentable / passable
erhua variant of 看得過|看得过
depending on the situation
to be used to the sight of
(idiom) to see through the illusions of the material world (often a precursor to becoming a Buddhist monk or nun); to become disillusioned with human society
to be dazzled / to not believe one's own eyes
to stand by and pay no heed / to ignore
to do as one sees fit / to play it by ear (according to the circumstances)
to expect (a currency etc) to depreciate

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