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gray / ash gray / grizzly / pessimistic / gloomy / dispirited / ambiguous
  *灰* | 灰* | *灰
ash / dust / lime / gray / discouraged; dejected
HSK 7-9
to lose heart / to be discouraged
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
dull gray / drab / murky
dusky / overcast (of weather)
mortar (for masonry)
dull gray / gloomy / dejected / crestfallen / with one's tail between one's legs
lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom) / fig. to be annihilated / to vanish in a puff of smoke
grizzly bear
head and face filthy with grime (idiom) / covered in dirt / dejected and depressed
dust / (soil taxonomy) spodosol
downhearted / downcast / in despair
plaster / mortar
(bird species of China) white-cheeked starling (Spodiopsar cineraceus)
gloomy and dull (idiom) / boring and gray / unpleasantly murky
Cinderella / a sudden rags-to-riches celebrity
gray water
(bird species of China) Blyth's tragopan (Tragopan blythii)
ash gray
(bird species of China) common crane (Grus grus)
limestone (abbr. for 石灰岩) / CL: 塊|块
(bird species of China) grey wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)
(bird species of China) greylag goose (Anser anser)
(bird species of China) northern shrike (Lanius borealis)
(bird species of China) azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyanus)
(bird species of China) moustached laughingthrush (Ianthocincla cineracea)
(bird species of China) merlin (Falco columbarius)
(bird species of China) grey-headed lapwing (Vanellus cinereus)
(bird species of China) grey-chinned minivet (Pericrocotus solaris)
(bird species of China) ashy-throated warbler (Phylloscopus maculipennis)
(bird species of China) grey sibia (Heterophasia gracilis)
(bird species of China) grey-tailed tattler (Tringa brevipes)
(bird species of China) grey treepie (Dendrocitta formosae)
(bird species of China) ashy woodswallow (Artamus fuscus)
(bird species of China) ashy bulbul (Hemixos flavala)
(bird species of China) slaty-backed gull (Larus schistisagus)
(bird species of China) grey-sided laughingthrush (Pterorhinus caerulatus)
gray area
fat hen (Chenopodium album), edible annual plant
(bird species of China) grey-headed bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythaca)
dull gray / gray and loathsome
(bird species of China) Przevalski's parrotbill; rusty-throated parrotbill (Suthora przewalskii)
(bird species of China) grey-crowned warbler (Phylloscopus tephrocephalus)
(bird species of China) ashy drongo (Dicrurus leucophaeus)
(bird species of China) silver-backed needletail (Hirundapus cochinchinensis)
(bird species of China) ashy-throated parrotbill (Suthora alphonsiana)
(bird species of China) grey peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron bicalcaratum)
(bird species of China) ashy minivet (Pericrocotus divaricatus)
(bird species of China) grey partridge (Perdix perdix)
(bird species of China) limestone leaf warbler (Phylloscopus calciatilis)
(bird species of China) Annam limestone babbler (Gypsophila annamensis)
mogote (steep-sided pointed hill in karst landform)
(bird species of China) Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto)
(bird species of China) grey plover (Pluvialis squatarola)
(bird species of China) grey-streaked flycatcher (Muscicapa griseisticta)
(bird species of China) grey bush chat (Saxicola ferreus)
(bird species of China) Himalayan owl (Strix nivicolum)
(bird species of China) ashy wood pigeon (Columba pulchricollis)
(bird species of China) sulphur-bellied warbler (Phylloscopus griseolus)
(bird species of China) small pratincole (Glareola lactea)
gray mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii)
(bird species of China) red phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius)
(bird species of China) common whitethroat (Curruca communis)
Pinot gris (grape type) / Pinot grigio
(bird species of China) David's fulvetta (Alcippe davidi)
(bird species of China) grey-eyed bulbul (Iole propinqua)
(bird species of China) grey-winged blackbird (Turdus boulboul)
(bird species of China) glaucous-winged gull (Larus glaucescens)
(bird species of China) grey-backed shrike (Lanius tephronotus)
(bird species of China) white-shouldered starling (Sturnia sinensis)
(bird species of China) slaty-backed forktail (Enicurus schistaceus)
(bird species of China) grey-backed thrush (Turdus hortulorum)
(bird species of China) Chinese bamboo partridge (Bambusicola thoracicus)
(bird species of China) Emei Shan liocichla (Liocichla omeiensis)
(bird species of China) grey-breasted prinia (Prinia hodgsonii)
(bird species of China) pale-legged leaf warbler (Phylloscopus tenellipes)
(bird species of China) brown-cheeked laughingthrush (Trochalopteron henrici)
(bird species of China) grey-bellied tesia (Tesia cyaniventer)
(bird species of China) Indian white-eye (Zosterops palpebrosus)
(bird species of China) grey-faced buzzard (Butastur indicus)
(bird species of China) grey-cheeked warbler (Phylloscopus poliogenys)
(bird species of China) slaty-blue flycatcher (Ficedula tricolor)
(bird species of China) azure tit (Cyanistes cyanus)
(bird species of China) white-winged magpie (Urocissa whiteheadi)
gray alder (Alnus incana) / speckled alder
dust haze / dust storm
gray collar / specialist / technical worker / engineer
(bird species of China) grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus)
(bird species of China) streaked barwing (Actinodura souliei)
(bird species of China) grey-hooded warbler (Phylloscopus xanthoschistos)
(bird species of China) chestnut-tailed starling (Sturnia malabarica)
(bird species of China) ashy-headed green pigeon (Treron phayrei)
(bird species of China) red-faced liocichla (Liocichla phoenicea)
(bird species of China) grey-hooded fulvetta (Fulvetta cinereiceps)

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