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(of a contagious disease etc) to spread / to propagate / (of a style of clothing, song etc) popular / fashionable
  *流* | 流* | *流
to flow / to disseminate / to circulate or spread / to move or drift / to degenerate / to banish or send into exile / stream of water or sth resembling one / class, rate or grade
to spread / to circulate / to hand down
to flow / to circulate / to go from place to place / to be mobile / (of assets) liquid
to circulate; to distribute / circulation; distribution
flu; influenza
to flow
HSK 7-9
to reveal (indirectly, implicitly) / to show (interest, contempt etc) by means of one's actions, tone of voice etc
HSK 7-9
running water / (business) turnover
HSK 7-9
(of soil etc) to wash away / to be eroded / (fig.) (of talented staff, followers of a religious faith, investment funds etc) to go elsewhere / to fail to be retained
HSK 7-9
to be on the move / to roam or wander / to circulate (of goods or capital)
HSK 7-9
course / stream / sequence of processes / work flow in manufacturing
HSK 7-9
flow rate; throughput of passengers; volume of traffic / (hydrology) discharge / data traffic; network traffic; website traffic; mobile data
HSK 7-9
to bleed / to shed blood
HSK 7-9
flowing (of speech, writing) / fluent / smooth and easy
HSK 7-9
rogue / hoodlum / gangster / immoral behavior
HSK 7-9
to flow into / to drift into / influx / inflow
HSK 7-9
to drift about / to wander / to roam / nomadic / homeless / unsettled (e.g. population) / vagrant
HSK 7-9
river basin / valley / drainage area
HSK 7-9
direction of a current / direction of flow / to flow toward
HSK 7-9
to shed tears
HSK 7-9
to have a miscarriage / (fig.) to fail; to fall through
to flow out / to disgorge / to effuse
malpractice / long-running abuse
flow speed / rate of flow
meteor; shooting star / meteor hammer (abbr. for 流星錘|流星锤)
fleeting time / horoscope for the year
to flow and change / development and change (of society)
streamline (physics)
to exile / to banish / to deport / to float (logs) downstream
tributary (stream) / (fig.) school (of thought) / genre / style
lumen (unit of light flux) (loanword)
meteor shower
to loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave) / to linger on
to wander about destitute / to be stranded
to discharge pus / to suppurate
to sweat
(of time) to pass / to elapse
homeless and miserable / forced to leave home and wander from place to place / to live as a refugee
rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip / lies and slanders
to leave a good reputation
to roam all over the place / to go into every nook and corner; to infiltrate / (of criminals, enemies etc) to be on the run; to flee and try to hide
roving bandit / rebel band
prevalent fashion (often used pejoratively) / vulgar customs
to force into exile / to be exiled / in exile
lit. flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom) / fig. constant activity prevents decay
(medicine) liquid food
epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (abbr. for 流行性腦膜炎|流行性脑膜炎)
rumor / gossip / to spread rumors
quicksand / (patisserie) (usu. attributive) semi-liquid filling (typically custard); lava
to spread poison / pernicious influence
(of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom) / to leave a mark for generations to come
to flow / to flood
stray bullet
the year's horoscope augurs ill (idiom); an unlucky year
smooth and ornate / flowing (style etc)
to float / to tramp / to rove
flowing water does not rot
lit. a meteor catching up with the moon / swift action (idiom)
to circulate / to hand around
destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about / displaced
destitute and homeless (idiom); displaced and without means
to spread / to circulate / to disseminate
to spread / to circulate / to disseminate
flow chart
rover / vagabond / vagrant / wanderer
exile (as form of punishment)
qualities that make sth popular or fashionable / (of a disease) epidemic
streaming media
lit. flowing light and overflowing color / brilliant lights and vibrant colors (idiom)
influenza virus; flu virus
to have a runny nose
fluid mechanics / hydrodynamics
stray dog
to ogle / to glance in a shifty manner
kitchen counter (generally including sink, food preparation area and gas range) (Tw)
day-to-day account / current account
to bleed from the nose / (fig.) to be sexually aroused
influenza vaccine
popular jargon / catchword
fluid dynamics
branch (of a river) / school (of thought)
(neologism c. 2014) celebrity with a huge, devoted fan base / celebrity with a huge following on social media
mountain mist
to become a mere formality
to let one's eyes rove
flow chart
epidemiological survey (abbr. for 流行病學調查|流行病学调查)
sleek / streamlined
(bird species of China) ruff (Calidris pugnax)
transient population / floating population

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