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100 results on this page.

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to undulate / to fluctuate / wave motion / rise and fall
to spread to / to involve / to affect
HSK 7-9
twists and turns
HSK 7-9
billows / great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum)
HSK 7-9
great waves / billows
HSK 7-9
Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany
Bonn, a small town on the Rhine, Cold War capital of West Germany 1949-1990
Boston, capital of Massachusetts
Potter or Porter (surname)
(loanword) baud (computing) / porter (beer)
  *波* | 波* | *波
(bound form) Poland (abbr. for 波蘭|波兰) / surname Bo
  *波* | 波* | *波
wave / ripple / storm / surge
waveguide (electronics)
Bogota, capital of Colombia
wave form
ripple / corrugation
wave velocity
Boeing (aerospace company)
mordent (music)
jackfruit / breadfruit / Artocarpus heterophyllus
wave band
Bohemia, historical region in Central Europe / bohemian (i.e. artistic and unconventional)
wave crest
waves surging forth / roaring sea
one climax follows another (of thrilling story)
(slang) (loanword) big boobs / big-breasted / (coll.) tapioca balls, in 波霸奶茶
Poseidon, god of the sea in Greek mythology
Baltic Sea
gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight
Bochum (city in Germany)
Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States
surging forward with great momentum / unfolding on a magnificent scale
Persian Gulf
Poznan (city in Poland)
Podgorica, capital of Montenegro
Boyang county, former name of Poyang county 鄱陽縣|鄱阳县 in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi
Boyang county, former name of Poyang county 鄱陽縣|鄱阳县 in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi
Baume degrees
heave / surge
Polanski (name)
Polo (car made by Volkswagen) / surname Polo
Bordeaux mixture
Polish (language)
Persian (language) / Farsi
wave number (reciprocal of frequency)
Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), German astronomer
wave front
Persian (cat)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bonaparte (name) / Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815
Potsdam Declaration
Bosnian (language)
Boston University
Bonn, city in Germany (Tw)
Po River, longest river in Italy
Port Dickson (holiday destination in Malaysia)
see 胸推
polka (dance) (loanword)
pop art (loanword)
bolero (dance) (loanword)
Boaz (son of Salmon and Rahab)
Potomac River
Bologna, city in Northern Italy
burpee (loanword)
Pomerania, a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea
bubble milk tea (Tw) / Boba milk tea / tapioca milk tea / see also 珍珠奶茶
burqa (loanword)
Boyle (name) / Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer chemist
Pleiku, Vietnam
University of Bonn
burpee (loanword)
Eridanus (constellation)
Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Austrian physicist and philosopher
polka dot (abbr. for 波爾卡圓點|波尔卡圆点)
Porsgrunn (city in Telemark, Norway)
wave mechanics (physics)
Poti, strategic seaport in Abkhazia, Republic of Georgia
zone plate
Beaufort Sea (off Alaska, Yukon and Northwest Territory)
Potiphar, the captain of the pharaoh's guard (in the account of Joseph in the Book of Genesis)
(Tw) Botswana
boysenberry (hybrid of raspberry and blackberry)
portobello mushroom
undulant fever / brucellosis
wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics

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