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  *氣* | 氣* | *氣
gas; air / smell / weather / to make angry; to annoy; to get angry / vital energy; qi
air temperature
(meteorology) climate / (fig.) climate; prevailing conditions (in human affairs) / CL: 種|种
meteorological condition; weather / meteorology / atmosphere; ambience; scene
gas (i.e. gaseous substance)
atmosphere; mood
impressive / stylish / magnificent / imposing manner / dignified air
HSK 7-9
odor; scent
HSK 7-9
bubble / blister (in metal) / (of beverages) sparkling / carbonated
HSK 7-9
personality traits; temperament; disposition / aura; air; feel; vibe / refinement; sophistication; class
HSK 7-9
imposing manner / loftiness / grandeur / energetic looks / vigor
HSK 7-9
breath / smell / odor / flavor
HSK 7-9
windpipe / trachea / respiratory tract / air duct / gas pipe
HSK 7-9
indignant / furious
HSK 7-9
to be discouraged
HSK 7-9
spirit / boldness / positive outlook / imposing attitude
HSK 7-9
to take one's last breath / dying
to gasp for breath / asthma
qigong, a traditional Chinese system of cultivating vital energy 氣|气 through coordinated breathing, movement and meditation
enraged / furious / livid
weather station
air cushion (as on hovercraft)
pneumothorax (medicine)
air sac / aerostat gasbag
atmospheric pressure / barometric pressure
qi and blood (two basic bodily fluids of Chinese medicine)
air-bubble / pore / stoma
cylinder (engine)
to infuriate / to be furious / to die from an excess of anger
stream of air / airflow / slipstream / draft / breath / turbulence (of aircraft)
aggressive / truculent / overbearing
flustered and exasperated / utterly discomfited
panting with rage
an air gun
air pump
strength / energy / vigor / talent
bearing / manner / presence
lofty quality / mettle / spirit
seething / fuming
so angry it's unbearable / bitter about unbearable grievances
arrogance; haughtiness
flue / air duct / air passage / respiratory tract
(lit. quantity of spirit) / moral character / degree of forbearance / broad-mindedness or otherwise / tolerance / magnanimity
to be annoyed / to get angry
valve (esp. tire valve) / accelerator (obsolete term for 油門|油门) / stigma (zool.) / spiracle
to vaporize / evaporation / carburetion / 氣|气 transformation in TCM (i.e. transformation of yin yang vital breath) / unvoicing of voiced consonant
(in) a fit of anger; (in) a foul mood
furious; enraged
angry words / sth said in the moment of anger
fate / destiny / one's lot
moral integrity / unflinching righteousness
deficiency of 氣|气 (TCM)
gas field
to have an imposing or impressive appearance / impressive appearance / straight and impressive looking
full of vigor / spirited / valiant
bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of the windpipe, often caused by Staphylococcus aureus) / henpecked (a pun on 妻子管得嚴|妻子管得严 used in comic theater)
inflator; bicycle pump
hovercraft / air cushion vehicle
bearing / manner
air mass
stagnation of 氣|气 (TCM)
weather satellite
(medicine) tracheotomy
to pant / to gasp for breath
magnificent / inspiring
aerial root (botany)
air hammer / pneumatic hammer
spirit reaches to the rainbow / full of noble aspiration and daring
irascible / overbearing
small ventilation tower on roof of building
airlock / air block / fipple (in the mouthpiece of wind instrument)
meteorological office / weather forecasting office
reverse flow of 氣|气 (TCM)
to pant / to gasp for breath
gas coal
quick-tempered person
angry at unfairness
(planet) atmosphere / (medical) air ring / air cushion
(idiom) dauntless; courageous; spirited
to anger / to annoy
to breathe heavily like an ox (idiom) / to huff and puff
to have only a breath of life (idiom)
to pant / to gasp for breath
(idiom) extremely angry; infuriated
aerophone (music)
weather station
climate change
qi field (in qigong or feng shui) / vibe (of a person or place); aura; atmosphere
bubble wrap

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