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  *比* | 比* | *比
to compare / (followed by a noun and adjective) more {adj.} than {noun} / ratio / to gesture / (Taiwan pr. [bi4] in some compounds derived from Classical Chinese)
for example / for instance / such as
for example
competition (sports etc) / match / CL: 場|场, / to compete
to compare / to contrast / comparatively / relatively / quite / comparison
proportion / scale
score (of a game or competition)
proportion / specific gravity
analogy / instance / for instance
can't compare with
HSK 7-9
to compare / to liken to / metaphor / analogy / figure of speech / figuratively
HSK 7-9
can be found everywhere
HSK 7-9
to have a competition / to measure with one's hand or arm / to make a gesture of measuring
HSK 7-9
compared with
HSK 7-9
  *比* | 比* | *比
Belgium / Belgian / abbr. for 比利時|比利时
BYD Company (company name)
  *比* | 比* | *比
euphemistic variant of
Bill Gates (1955-), co-founder of Microsoft
to compare / to draw a parallel / to match / analogy / metaphor / comparison
ratio; rate; proportion
to compare prices; to compare offers / price ratio; price parity; rate of exchange
bikini (loanword)
to liken to / to compare to
bit (binary digit) (loanword)
to compete fiercely / contest
Buddhist monk (loanword from Sanskrit "bhiksu")
martial arts competition / tournament / to compete in a contest
Bill (name)
to gesture / to gesticulate / to practice the moves of a martial art by imitating the teacher / to fight / to come to blows
according to / in the light of / contrast
(literary) next-door neighbor / near; next to / Taiwan pr. [bi4lin2]
Bi Gan (Chinese god of wealth)
(literary) when / by the time / Taiwan pr. [bi4 ji2]
(flying) wing to wing
Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French composer
(Tw) Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau
(loanword) peso (monetary unit)
lit. a pair of birds flying close together (idiom) / fig. two hearts beating as one / name of a sweet and sour chicken wing dish
neither the best nor the worst; not too bad; better than some
Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan
to be shoulder to shoulder / (fig.) to be as good as; to match / Taiwan pr. [bi4 jian1]
to draw a parallel
to fly wing to wing (idiom) / two hearts beating as one / (of a couple) inseparable
Pyrenees mountains
(literary) every year; year after year / (literary) in recent years / Taiwan pr. [bi4 nian2]
to measure roughly (with the hand, a stick, string etc)
Buddhist nun (loanword from Sanskrit "bhiksuni")
comparative degree
comparative analysis
for example; for instance
Leaning Tower of Pisa
to make a comparison / to engage in a contest
comparison / to verify by comparing
Pisa, town in Toscana, Italy
pizza (loanword)
Pretoria, capital of South Africa
specific volume
to liken to / to compare to
BYD Auto, PRC car company
specific heat
Bitcoin (cryptocurrency)
comparative literature
figurative meaning (of a word)
pit bull (loanword)
to defeat; to be superior to
to gesticulate / to make lively gestures (while talking) / also written 比手劃腳|比手划脚
to compare two unsatisfactory things / to argue that others have similar or worse faults (as a response to criticism) / whataboutery
Białystok, city in Poland
Bielefeld (city in Germany)
(bird species of China) Bianchi's warbler (Phylloscopus valentini)
to make a V sign (esp. when posing for photos)
stadium / playing field for a competition
to give a thumbs-up
scale / architect's scale / engineer's scale
to liken to / to compare to
Pelé (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Brazilian football star
Bienne, Switzerland
(Internet slang) to form a hand heart using one's thumb and forefinger (or by using both hands)
stroke play (golf)
arm wrestling (Tw)
(rocketry) specific impulse
comparatively speaking
cannot compare to / to be no match for
to give the middle finger
Bia, daughter of Pallas and Styx in Greek mythology, personification of violence
Beverly Hills
lately / recently
Pyrenees mountains
Bihar, state in eastern India
Bikini atoll, French nuclear test site in South Pacific
yield-to-weight ratio (of a nuclear weapon)
to gesticulate / to make lively gestures (while talking) / also written 比手畫腳|比手画脚
(Tw) to compete / contest
(old) to set a time limit for the arrest of a criminal / Taiwan pr. [bi4 bu3]
score (of a game or competition)
Bay of Biscay
specific humidity

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