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46 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *按* | 按* | *按
to press / to push / to leave aside or shelve / to control / to restrain / to keep one's hand on / to check or refer to / according to / in the light of / (of an editor or author) to make a comment
according to / in accordance with / in the light of / on the basis of
on time / before deadline / on schedule
massage / to massage
button or key (on a device) / keystroke / CL: 個|个 / to press a button
HSK 7-9
in the ordinary course of events; ordinarily; normally
HSK 7-9
it is reasonable to say that...
HSK 7-9
to push a button / button (one that can be pressed to trigger an action)
to press / to push (a button)
monthly / per mensem
a mortgage (loanword via Cantonese) / to buy property on a mortgage
on schedule / on time
according to reason; in the ordinary course of events; normally
(idiom) to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine
to be unable to hold back
daily (law) / per diem
to restrain / to control
to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time
lit. looking for a fine horse using only a picture (idiom) / fig. to do things along rigid, conventional lines / to try and find sth with the help of a clue
note / comment
anopheles / malarial mosquito
to feel (take) the pulse
to investigate (old)
vibrator; dildo
daily (law) / per diem
jacuzzi; whirlpool tub
snap fastener
palpation (as a method of examination)
distribution according to need
to press down / to press a button
distribution according to work
according to regulation
publishing on demand
solve one problem only to find another cropping up
according to season / quarterly
masseur; massage therapist
variant of 按部就班
variant of 按捺
to give sb a thumbs-up (on social media)
to fix a price based on quality (idiom)
(old) massage
keypad tone / key tone
on demand; according to demand

Tip: In the word dictionary, the Chinese sentence lookup can lookup whole Chinese sentences, automatically splitting it into separate words.
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