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  *把* | 把* | *把
to hold; to grasp / to hold a baby in position to help it urinate or defecate / handlebar / classifier: handful, bundle, bunch / classifier for things with handles / (used to put the object before the verb: + {noun} + {verb})
to grasp (also fig.) / to seize / to hold / assurance / certainty / sure (of the outcome)
handle / grip / knob
HSK 7-9
to guard a pass / to check on sth
HSK 7-9
handle / (fig.) information that can be used against sb
HSK 7-9
to shake hands
  *把* | 把* | *把
labor contractor / gangmaster
to stand as a goalkeeper / to keep guard on a gate
to turn around in one's hands / to play with / to fiddle with
to keep watch (during a clandestine activity) / to be on the lookout
to feel the pulse / to take sb's pulse
a handle
trustworthy / dependable
sworn brothers
(dialect) see 仔細|仔细
low-level officer of the army from the Ming to the mid Qing Dynasty
to raise one's wine cup
to control / to dominate / to monopolize
to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she urinates
acrobatics; jugglery / trick; ploy
to play with; to fiddle with
indecisive (idiom)
to guard
to have an intimate friendship
person skilled in a trade / skill
to hold the rudder / to hold (to take, to be at) the helm / to steer
to pick up a girl / to get a girl
stem (bicycle component)
to control; to be in charge of
to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she defecates
(coll.) to be completely at ease
to act unappreciatively in response to a kindness
to drink and chat merrily (idiom)
to pick up a girl; to get a girl

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