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52 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
all / to have; to possess; to own
therefore / as a result / so / the reason why
  *所* | 所* | *所
actually / place / classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc / that which / particle introducing a relative clause or passive / CL: 個|个
head of an institute etc
place / location / (after a noun) place where it is located
what is meant by the expression ...; what is referred to as ... / (derog.) so-called
HSK 7-9
one's affiliation (i.e. the organization one is affiliated with) / subordinate (i.e. those subordinate to oneself) / belonging to / affiliated / under one's command
HSK 7-9
one's conduct and deeds
HSK 7-9
what one is good at
what one acquires / one's gains
what one thinks / person or thing that is on one's mind
what one hears and sees (idiom)
wherever one goes
(idiom) to sweep everything before one; to be invincible
troops under one's command
there is not much left
to be invincible / unrivalled
location; site
(literary) what one sees / (literary) opinion; view
what one does / doings
to be caused by
the objects indicated / as pointed out
proprietor / owner
What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)
possessive case (grammar)
heard / what one hears
Solomon Islands in southwest Pacific
necessary (for) / required
income tax
parents (father and mother)
affiliated unit / subsidiary
according to one's capabilities / what sb is capable of
Zerubbabel (son of Shealtiel)
everyone / owner
ownership of the means of production (in Marxism) / system of ownership
fortunately (formal writing)
owner / proprietor
wished-for / desired
residence / dwelling / dwelling place
(after a pronoun or name) what (you, they etc) say is true
to choose the wrong person for the job
known / what one knows
to entrust sth to the wrong person and get let down
the reason why
Sodom and Gomorrah
one's expectation; what one anticipates
ownership / possession / property rights / title (to property)
a possession / belongings
Solomon (name)

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