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to get; to obtain; to receive
  *得* | 得* | *得
to obtain / to get / to gain / to catch (a disease) / proper / suitable / proud / contented / to allow / to permit / ready / finished
  *得* | 得* | *得
structural particle: used after a verb (or adjective as main verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect, degree, possibility etc
to obtain (a result); to arrive at (a conclusion)
to score a point (in a competition, test etc) / score; rating; grade
  *得* | 得* | *得
to have to / must / ought to / to need to
proud of oneself / pleased with oneself / complacent
able to / so that sb can / enabling / in order to / finally in a position to / with sth in view
all right! / that's enough!
to find out / to learn of
HSK 7-9
to commit an offense / to violate the law / excuse me! (formal) / see also 得罪
HSK 7-9
able / capable / competent / efficient
HSK 7-9
the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
HSK 7-9
to go smoothly; to come off; to succeed
HSK 7-9
appropriate to the occasion / fitting
HSK 7-9
appropriate / suitable
HSK 7-9
blessed by heaven (idiom) / enjoying exceptional advantages / favored by nature
HSK 7-9
gains and losses / success and failure / merits and demerits
HSK 7-9
variant of 得意洋洋
HSK 7-9
to benefit from / thanks to
HSK 7-9
lit. what the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes (idiom) skilled at the job / entirely in one's element / going smoothly and easily
to follow your orders / roger! / yessir!
to derive benefit
to win power / to get authority / to become dominant
to win a prize
recipient (of an award) / winner (in a competition)
to offend sb / to make a faux pas / a faux pas / see also 得罪
(emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible
to triumph over an opponent
to benefit (from sth)
to learn about / to be informed
to be saved
to achieve the Dao / to become an immortal
(literary) isn't it that...?
to get one's name / named (after sth)
lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains / give him an inch, and he'll want a mile
proper / appropriate / suitable
(idiom) to have one's wish fulfilled
luckily / fortunately
to be a favorite / favor
to prevail / to have one's way / to get away with it
to lose what one has just obtained (idiom)
Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)
Texas, US state
Des Moines, capital of Iowa
pleased with oneself
favorite pupil
(math.) numerical answer / solution
lit. covet Sichuan once Gansu has been seized / fig. endless greed / insatiable desire
where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them (idiom); anyone can make mistakes, forgive them when possible
to fall ill / to contract a disease
lit. catch fish then forget the trap (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. to take help for granted
Dêrong county (Tibetan: sde rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州, Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)
joyfully satisfied / to be immensely proud of oneself / proudly / an air of complacency
so pleased as to lose one's sense of measure / beside oneself with joy
to have leisure time
(doing sth) in the right way / suitable / properly
a just cause enjoys abundant support (idiom); those upholding justice will find help all around
at one's convenience / when one has time
A just cause attracts much support, an unjust one finds little (idiom, from Mencius)
(dialect) cocky; smug / to show off
Devon (county of southwest England)
satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through / without high ambitions, but getting by
to win a bid / to win a trophy in a contest / (jokingly) to get an STD
drive-thru (loanword)
percentage of votes obtained
moderate; appropriate; suitable
(as in an imperial examination) to be a successful candidate / to draw a winning ticket (in a lottery)
to obtain
(HK, Sg) (law) to have one's appeal allowed; to win an appeal
cannot get / cannot obtain
to need / must
to have benefited from sth but pretend otherwise / to claim to be hard done by, even though one has benefited
Texas, US state
(coll.) (stative verb suffix) very; awfully
(after an adjective) very
to get what one deserves
"to obtain qi", the sensation of electrical tingling, numbness, soreness etc at the meridian where accupuncture needle is inserted
delta (Greek letter Δδ)
to accomplish one's ambition / a dream come true / to enjoy success
to verify / (math.) Q.E.D.

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