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  *归* | 归* | *归
to return / to go back to / to give back to / (of a responsibility) to be taken care of by / to belong to / to gather together / (used between two identical verbs) despite / to marry (of a woman) (old) / division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
to return sth / to revert
HSK 7-9
to return / to come back
HSK 7-9
to belong to / to be affiliated to / to fall under the jurisdiction of / a place where one feels that one belongs / one's final destination (where one need look no further)
HSK 7-9
to sum up / to summarize / to conclude from facts / induction (method of deduction in logic)
HSK 7-9
after all / in the final analysis / ultimately
HSK 7-9
to sum up; to conclude; to put in a nutshell / conclusion; end (of a story etc)
HSK 7-9
place to return to / home / final destination / ending
HSK 7-9
  *归* | 归* | *归
surname Gui
to classify / to categorize
old name for district of Hohhot city 呼和浩特, Inner Mongolia
the way back / one's journey home
to file away / to place on file
to go home (to one's native country) / to return from abroad
to put together / to add / to merge
to put sth back where it belongs / to return to the original position / to return to one's seat (in a classroom)
in the final analysis / ultimately
converted to (religion)
the way back / return route
to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion
to give credit / to give sb his due / attribution
to put the blame on / to accuse
to surrender and pay allegiance to
return trip / homeward journey
to return to one's unit / to go back to one's station in life
to bring to justice / to file away (a document)
to die (Buddhism) / to return to Allah (Islam)
to return to one's original trade / to put (a business etc) under the administration of the relevant central authority / (the) relevant (department in charge of sth)
to return home (after a lifetime's absence) / to go back to one's roots
to realign one's allegiance (to another religion, ruler etc) / to submit
to die (euphemism, lit. to return West or to the Western Paradise)
with one's heart set on speeding home (idiom)
to attribute; to ascribe
to blame sb
to die
to belong to / affiliated to / to result in sth / to incline towards
Gueiren, a district in Tainan 台南, Taiwan
to go home for a visit; to return to one's parents' home to pay respects
(literary) (of a married woman) to visit one's parents
(coll.) to put (things) back; to tidy up; to put in order
to gather / to rake together / to pile up
to turn toward
to commandeer / to take over for the state
Chinese person who returns to China after living as an expatriate
ultimately / in the final analysis / after all / when all is said and done
to convert to (a religion) / to rely upon / refuge / mainstay
reductio ad absurdum / arguing by contradiction / also called 反證法|反证法
long division / calculation on the abacus
to reset to zero / (fig.) to start again from scratch; to go back to square one
to return to the right path / to mend one's ways / to reform / Reformed (church etc)
to assign (to a class) / to classify as / to include
channel tropism (TCM)
old name for Hohhot city 呼和浩特, Inner Mongolia
induction (method of deduction in logic)
sense of belonging
right of attribution
(idiom) in the final analysis
attribution theory (psychology)
religious convert
to return from pasture
inductive reasoning
Ground Zero

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