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  *平* | 平* | *平
flat / level / equal / to tie (make the same score) / to draw (score) / calm / peaceful / abbr. for 平聲|平声
ordinarily / in normal times / in peacetime
safe and sound / well / without mishap / quiet and safe / at peace
equal / equality
ordinary / common / usually / ordinarily
average; on average / evenly; in equal proportions
smooth; steady
square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)
tranquil / undisturbed / serene
level / even / smooth / flat
field / plain / CL: 個|个
balance / equilibrium
platform / terrace / flat-roofed building
commonplace / ordinary / mediocre
square meter
plane (flat surface) / print media
HSK 7-9
ordinary people; commoner (contrasted with the privileged) / civilian (contrasted with the military)
HSK 7-9
reasonably priced / inexpensive / to keep prices down / (currency exchange) parity
HSK 7-9
flat / dull / ordinary / nothing special
HSK 7-9
(of wind etc) to subside; to die down / to quell; to smooth over (a dispute etc) / to suppress (a rebellion etc)
HSK 7-9
ordinary day / everyday / ordinarily / usually
HSK 7-9
gentle / mild / moderate / placid
HSK 7-9
levelheadedness / calmness / equanimity
HSK 7-9
  *平* | 平* | *平
surname Ping
parallel (in a spatial or geometric sense, or figuratively) / on an equal footing; on the same level / simultaneous; concurrent
Pingjiang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市, Jiangsu / Pingjiang county in Yueyang 岳陽|岳阳, Hunan
square meter / short for 平方米
flat and smooth
translation (geometry)
to divide evenly / to bisect (geometry) / deuce (tennis) / tied score
slab; flat board; (engineering) surface plate / flat; level / (fig.) dull; monotonous / abbr. for 平板電腦|平板电脑 and 平板手機|平板手机
Pingshan, a county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄, Hebei / Pingshan, a district of Benxi 本溪市, Liaoning
Pingtan, a county in Fuzhou 福州, Fujian
safe and sound (idiom)
closely cropped hair; crew cut / (of people) common; ordinary
flat roof
to be on an equal footing
a draw (in competition) / a tie
smooth / level
smooth muscle (anatomy) / non-striated muscle
mediocre / indifferent / commonplace
Pingding county in Yangquan 陽泉|阳泉, Shanxi
to pacify
Pingyao county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi
Pingyin county in Jinan 濟南|济南, Shandong
to close a position (finance)
Pingchang county in Panzhihua 攀枝花, south Sichuan
(math.) straight angle
Pingyang county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang
level and oblique tones (technical term for Classical Chinese rhythmic poetry)
Pingyuan county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong
Pingqiao District of Xinyang City 信陽市|信阳市, Henan
to look squarely at / to look straight ahead / (instrumentation) heads-up (display)
smooth / level / to level off / to flatten (remove bumps)
Pingle county in Guilin 桂林, Guangxi
level; almost flat; not strongly sloping / (fig.) moderate; mild-mannered; gentle
Pingnang county in Guigang 貴港|贵港, Guangxi
average / mediocre
Pinglu county in Yuncheng 運城|运城, Shanxi
all one's life
Pyongyang, capital of North Korea
Pingshun, county in Shanxi
smooth / smooth-going / plain sailing
to rapidly go up in the world / meteoric rise (of a career, social position etc)
Pingxiang county in Xingtai 邢台, Hebei
to spread out / (fig.) to share equally
to redress (an injustice); to rehabilitate (sb whose reputation was unjustly sullied)
Pingyi county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂, Shandong
Pingchuan district of Baiyin city 白銀市|白银市, Gansu
an expanse of flat land
plain weave
Pingfang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨 in Heilongjiang
bungalow / single-story house
equal rights
(sports) draw / tie
amiable and approachable (idiom); easygoing / modest and unassuming / (of writing) plain and simple / easy to understand
Pingli County in Ankang 安康, Shaanxi
Pyongyang, capital of North Korea
ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothing to write home about
Pinggu, a district of Beijing
Hirano (Japanese surname)
simple and unadorned / plain / (of land) level / even
to add or gain sth without additional effort / to add sth without good cause
for no reason / gratuitously
to level the land / level ground / plain
to put down a revolt / to pacify a rebellion
Pinghu, county-level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴, Zhejiang
Pingtang county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou
amiable (manner) / unassuming / written in plain language / easy to take in
common year
Pinglu district of Shuozhou city 朔州市, Shanxi
Heisei, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1989-2019) of emperor Akihito 明仁
lithographic plate
(idiom) for no reason whatever; inexplicably
Pingyu county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店, Henan
Pingxing Pass, mountain pass in Shanxi Province
to both share the limelight / to both have an equal share of
Pingwu county in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳, north Sichuan

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