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  *布* | 布* | *布
cloth / to declare / to announce / to spread / to make known
  *佈* | 佈* | *佈
variant of / to announce / to spread
to put in order / to arrange / to decorate / to fix up / to deploy
to be covered with / to be filled with
arrangement / composition / layout / opening (chess jargon)
HSK 7-9
posting on a bulletin board / notice / bulletin / to announce
Burkina Faso
Brooklyn, borough of New York City
a cloth
Boolean (math.) (Tw)
plum (loanword)
Bucharest, capital of Romania
Blair (name)
Blang people, one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the PRC
Bunun, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
cloth (by the yard)
Potala, winter palace of Dalai Lamas in Lhasa, Tibet
Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina
Britney Spears (1981-), US pop singer
glove puppetry
sermon / to sermonize / to preach / to evangelize
Bujumbura, capital of Burundi
Brown (name) / Gordon Brown (1951-), UK politician, prime minister 2007-2010
pudding (loanword)
Brian (name)
fabric; cloth; material (for making clothing, curtains etc)
Brussels, capital of Belgium
Boole (surname) / (math.) Boolean
bulletin board
blues (music) (loanword)
Budapest, capital of Hungary
plain cotton clothing / (literary) the common people
to lay mines
Brook (name) / Peter Brook (1925), British theater director
Prague, capital of Czech Republic
Brittany, area in the north-west of France
screen (movie theater etc)
Burkina Faso (Tw)
Budai (the Laughing Buddha) / Budai or Putai Town in Chiayi County 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
pouch / sack / bag
Budai or Putai Town in Chiayi County 嘉義縣|嘉义县, west Taiwan
Taiwan equivalent of 布什
Braşov, Romania
Brisbane, capital of Queensland, Australia
Brighton, town in England
Brindisi, port city on southeast heel of Italy
Buffalo, New York state
Bristol port city in southwest England
(name) Branson or Brandsen / Sir Richard Branson (1950-), British billionaire and founder of the Virgin Group
Bradford, city in West Yorkshire, England
Brno, city in Czech Republic
Brazzaville, capital of Congo
Browne (person name)
Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区, Xinjiang
(physics) Brownian motion
Bruges (Dutch Brugge), medieval town in Belgium
Bujumbura, capital of Burundi (Tw)
Butuo County in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture 涼山彝族自治州|凉山彝族自治州, southern Sichuan
Bryne (City in Rogaland, Norway)
Baudrillard (name)
brucellosis (undulant fever or Mediterranean fever)
woman's dress (loanword from Russian) / gown
the three Punic Wars (264-146 BC) between Rome and Carthage
Brzezinski (name) / Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017), Polish-American academic and politician, US National Security Adviser 1977-1981
Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin (1888-1938), Soviet revolutionary theorist, executed after a show trial in 1937
cloth and silk / cotton and silk textiles
cloth shoes / CL: 雙|双, 隻|只
Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区, Xinjiang
Brutus (name) / Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician who conspired against Julius Caesar / Lucius Junius Brutus (6th c. BC), founder of the Roman Republic
Bhutto (name) / Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979), president of Pakistan 1971-1979 executed by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq / Benazzir Bhutto (1953-2007), twice president of Pakistan 1988-1990 and 1993-1996
Dana (Buddhist practice of giving)
Brutus (name)
Brazzaville, capital of Congo (Tw)
Blumberg or Bloomberg (name)
in hemp cloth and with a leather belt / poorly dressed
lit. cloth, silk, beans and grain (idiom) / fig. food and clothing; daily necessities
variant of 部署
(stage) set
Brucella (infectious disease)
Brest, westernmost town in France
Buchanan (surname)
to preach (the Christian gospel)
to set up an exhibit
rag doll
brownie (pastry) (loanword)
stuffed toy; rag doll
to progressively extend (service delivery, network etc) to a wider area / rollout
The Bronx, borough of New York City / Bronx County (coextensive with The Bronx) / also written 布朗士
Bush (name) / George H.W. Bush (1924-2018), US president 1988-1992 / George W. Bush (1946-), US President 2000-2008
to deploy surveillance / to put under surveillance
Buyei ethnic group
Bugatti (name) / Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. (French car company)

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