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22 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
especially; particularly
HSK 7-9
  *尤* | 尤* | *尤
surname You
  *尤* | 尤* | *尤
outstanding / particularly, especially / a fault / to express discontentment against
(name) Eugene
Ulysses (novel)
rarity / rare object / rare person / extraordinarily beautiful woman
Youxi, a county in Sanming City 三明市, Fujian
Juventus, Italian football team
Yulia Tymoshenko (1960-), Ukrainian politician
Yucatan (Mexican province)
especially / most of all / above all / in particular
eucalyptus (loanword)
Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico)
ukulele (loanword)
Rjukan (city in Norway)
Sir Edward Youde (1924-1986), British diplomat, ambassador to Beijing 1974-1978, governor of Hong Kong 1982-1986
especially / particularly
Youxi, a county in Sanming City 三明市, Fujian
Yurchenko (name) / Natalia Yurchenko (1965-), Russian gymnast / Yurchenko, a type of jump-off for vaulting
shame / disgrace
Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch documentary filmmaker and committed communist

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