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25 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *垫* | 垫* | *垫
pad / cushion / mat / to pad out / to fill a gap / to pay for sb / to advance (money)
HSK 7-9
cushion; mat; pad
HSK 7-9
to put sth on the bottom / to eat sth to tide oneself over until mealtime / to lay the foundation / to come last in the rankings
HSK 7-9
litter (animal bedding)
to pay sb else's expense with the expectation of being reimbursed by that person later
to spread litter in a cowshed, pigsty etc
washer (on bolt) / toilet seat
advance (of funds)
spacer / shim
Dianjiang, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆
shoulder pad
to pay for sb
packing material / lagging / litter
to serve as a sacrificial victim / to suffer for sb else / scapegoat / to share sb's fate
a support / to raise / to bolster / to jack up
cotton-padded mattress
to fill a blank space / to fill a slot (in a newspaper column, a TV program etc)
(coll.) to cover a shortfall by using funds intended for another purpose or by borrowing some money / (coll.) to snack
to advance funds
to level (surfaces)
Dianjiang, a county in Chongqing 重慶|重庆
stepping stone / fig. person used to advance one's career
erhua variant of 墊底|垫底
deductible (the part of an insurance claim paid by the insured) / (UK English) excess

Tip: In the character dictionary, entering multiple pinyin syllables will result in multiple searches on one result page.
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