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54 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *卷* | 卷* | *卷
to roll up / roll / classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc)
  *卷* | 卷* | *卷
scroll / book / volume / chapter / examination paper / classifier for books, paintings: volume, scroll
  *卷* | 卷* | *卷
to roll up / to sweep up; to carry along / a roll / classifier for rolls, spools etc
test paper; examination paper
HSK 7-9
to be drawn into / to be involved in
HSK 7-9
scroll (book or painting)
steamed roll / spring roll
curly hair / to curl hair
cirrus (cloud)
to curl (hair) / to crimp / to roll up / curly
to wind / to coil / to spool / to loop around / winding
a capstan
to roll up / to curl up / (of dust etc) to swirl up
lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom) / fig. to regroup and come back even stronger / to make a comeback
cigarette / cigar
file / folder / dossier
pencil sharpener (blade-only type)
tape measure / tape rule / CL:
cabbage / CL:
a whirlwind
a huge amount (of books and papers)
cirrostratus (cloud) / also written 捲層雲|卷层云
cirrostratus (cloud) / also written 卷層雲|卷层云
variant of 捲起|卷起
variant of 卷心菜
rolled-up pastry / roll / turnover (patisserie)
to hem / hem / to curl (at the edge)
roller shutter / a blind
crunch (physical exercise)
rolling door; roll-up shutter (of a shopfront, garage, warehouse etc)
curved blade
white-headed capuchin (Cebus capucinus)
roll-up door; roller shutter door
to wrap up / (fig.) to envelop / to swallow up
to bundle up valuables and abscond
to pack one's things and leave
hair curler
to plunder the land and extort from the peasant / corrupt practice
toilet roll
cirrocumulus (cloud)
to bundle up
(bird species of China) Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus)
retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)
fishing reel
retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)
to roll up one's bedding; to pack one's things / (fig.) to quit / (fig.) to get fired; to get the sack
curling iron
hair roller

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