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  *半* | 半* | *半
half / semi- / incomplete / (after a number) and a half
half a year
half of the day / a long time / quite a while / midair / CL: 個|个
midnight / in the middle of the night
HSK 7-9
half of a game or contest / half-court
HSK 7-9
to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished
HSK 7-9
halfway / midway / on the way
HSK 7-9
(idiom) half true and half false
HSK 7-9
half the number; half
HSK 7-9
half the sky / women of the new society / womenfolk
HSK 7-9
the least bit
half-price ticket / half fare
half-awake / half-asleep
half of sth / one side of sth
half price
half a lifetime
meniscus (anatomy)
Pinellia ternata
half of sth
dabbler / dilettante who speaks as though he were an expert
half (of sth) / halfway through
half-moon / fortnight
half dead (of torment, hunger, tiredness etc) / (tired) to death / (terrified) out of one's wits / (beaten) to within an inch of one's life / (knock) the daylights out of sb
halfway / midway
Banpo neolithic Yangshao culture archaeological site east of Xi'an 西安
half of the country (esp. when half the country has fallen into enemy hands) / vast swathe of territory
half willing and half unwilling (idiom); to yield after making a show of resistance
half the day / a long time / quite a while
(idiom) half believing, half doubting; not quite convinced; skeptical
not much to choose between the two / tweedledum and tweedledee
half-mast / half-staff
dabbler / smatterer / tactless and impulsive person
(coll.) half
fifty (usually referring to sb's age)
paralysis of one side of the body / hemiplegia
half of the day / a long time / quite a while
underripe / half-cooked / (fig.) not mastered (of a technique) / clumsy / halting
a little bit
(anatomy) semicircular canal
middle / halfway
lit. to enter monastic life at a mature age (idiom) / fig. to change one's career; to take up a new line of work or specialization; to enter a profession from a different background
incomplete / unfinished
semi-tenant peasant / semi-owner peasant
half-cooked; (of vegetables) parboiled; (of steak) medium; (of eggs) soft-boiled
half a life / only half alive / barely alive / (scared, beaten etc) half to death
fifty (years of age)
galactose (CH2O)6 / brain sugar
Hemiptera (suborder of order Homoptera, insects including cicadas and aphids)
cysteine (Cys), an amino acid / mercaptoethyl amine
half-length photo or portrait / bust
half hour
half squat
centaur (mythology)
middle / halfway
half-marathon (abbr. for 半程馬拉松|半程马拉松)
translucent / semitransparent
semitendinosus, one of the hamstring muscles in the thigh
Al Jazeera (Arabic news network)
Centaurus (constellation)
half a year
half load
part work, part study / work-study program
partly released from productive labor / partly released from one's regular work
semiaxis / half axle
archaeological site near Xi'an
day care
middle-aged but still attractive woman / lady of a certain age
semimembranosus (anatomy)
shallow / not thorough / superficial
semiconservative replication
semiovert / more or less open
mid-levels (in Hong Kong)
semi-manufactured goods / semifinished articles / semifinished products
one able to do light manual labor only / semi-able-bodied or part time (farm) worker
to not fully understand / to only partly understand
half a dozen
fortnightly / twice a month
semilunar valve (anatomy)
in midair / in the air

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