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  *十* | 十* | *十
ten / 10
very / completely / utterly / extremely / absolutely / hundred percent / to divide into ten equal parts
ample / complete / hundred percent / a pure shade (of some color)
crossroads / intersection
HSK 7-9
hundred thousand
fifteen / 15
fourteen; 14
twelve / 12
thirteen / 13
eighteen / 18
sixteen / 16
cross road / cross-shaped / crucifix / the character ten
seventeen / 17
PRC National Day (October 1st)
eleven / 11
one billion / giga-
the twelve signs of the zodiac
October / tenth month (of the lunar year)
nineteen / 19
perfect; complete
December / twelfth month (of the lunar year)
(idiom) to be a cinch; in the bag / (idiom) (of a person) confident of success
Ambush from Ten Sides (pipa solo piece) / House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋)
November / eleventh month (of the lunar year)
most likely / mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10) / vast majority
wicked beyond redemption (idiom) / heinous
most urgent / posthaste / express
(idiom) it takes ten years to grow trees, but a hundred years to cultivate people
exceedingly / hundred percent / everything and more
complete and beautiful / to be perfect (idiom)
most likely / mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10) / vast majority
cross / crucifix / yoke one has to endure
thirteenth day of a month
the ten commandments (religion)
same as 天干 / the 10 heavenly stems , , , , , , , , , (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)
tenfold / ten times (sth)
ten commandments
one tenth
Shiyan, prefecture-level city in Hubei Province 湖北省
Decameron, collection of 100 tales of love supposedly told by ten young people in ten days, written by Giovanni Boccaccio 薄伽丘
Cruciferae or Brassicaceae (taxonomic family including Brassica etc whose flowers have a cross of 4 petals)
cruciform / cross shape
lit. in gambling, nine times out of ten you lose (idiom) / fig. gambling is a mug's game
the twelve equatorial constellations or signs of the zodiac in Western astronomy and astrology, namely: Aries 白羊, Taurus 金牛, Gemini 雙子|双子, Cancer 巨蟹, Leo 獅子|狮子, Virgo 室女, Libra 天秤, Scorpio 天蠍|天蝎, Sagittarius 人馬|人马, Capricorn 摩羯, Aquarius 寶瓶|宝瓶, Pisces 雙魚|双鱼
twelve channels of TCM
the 12 earthly branches , , , , , , , , , , , (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number)
twelve divisions of the day of early Chinese and Babylonian timekeeping and astronomy
more than ten; a dozen or more
half-witted / nitwit
the 12 earthly branches , , , , , , , , , , , (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal numbers)
cetane number (quality of light diesel fuel, measured by its ignition delay)
decile (statistics)
October Revolution
(coll.) going on foot
12-yard (sports) / penalty kick
history of the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 by Cui Hong 崔鴻|崔鸿, written towards the end of Wei of the Northern Dynasties 北魏, 100 scrolls
History of Ten States of South China (1669) by Wu Renchen 吳任臣|吴任臣, 114 scrolls
Chinese poker
equal temperament
twelve channels of TCM
Ten Permanent Functionaries at the end of Han, a byword for corruption
decimal / calculations to base 10
Seventeen-Arch Bridge in the Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园, Beijing
the Thirteen Confucian Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经, Book of History 尚書|尚书, Rites of Zhou 周禮|周礼, Rites and Ceremonies 儀禮|仪礼, Classic of Rites 禮記|礼记, Book of Changes 易經|易经, Mr Zuo's Annals 左傳|左传, Mr Gongyang's Annals 公羊傳|公羊传, Mr Guliang's Annals 穀梁傳|谷梁传, The Analects 論語|论语, Erya 爾雅|尔雅, Classic of Filial Piety 孝經|孝经, Mencius 孟子
the tens place (or column) in the decimal system
16-bit (computing)
Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han people (ruling most of China 304-439) / also written 五胡十六國|五胡十六国
16-character formula, esp. Mao Zedong's mantra on guerrilla warfare: 敵進我退敵駐我擾敵疲我打敵退我追|敌进我退敌驻我扰敌疲我打敌退我追 when the enemy advances we retreat; when the enemy makes camp we harass; when the enemy is exhausted we fight; and when the enemy retreats we pursue
to reject sb after being deeply touched by them (Internet slang)
over one billion / more than a billion
the Baidu 10 mythical creatures (a set of hoax animals and puns linked to PRC Internet censorship)
the ten Heavenly Stems , , , , , , , , , (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)
crusaders / army of crusaders / the Crusades
the Crusades / crusaders' eastern expedition
the Crusades
Phillips screwdriver (i.e. with cross slit)
to have no need to fend for oneself (idiom) / to lead a pampered life
more than ten / a dozen or more

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