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33 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *刻* | 刻* | *刻
quarter (hour) / moment / to carve / to engrave / to cut / oppressive / classifier for short time intervals
intentionally; deliberately; purposely / painstakingly; meticulously
HSK 7-9
hardworking / assiduous
HSK 7-9
lit. a notch on the side of a boat to locate a sword dropped overboard (idiom); fig. an action made pointless by changed circumstances
HSK 7-9
stiff / inflexible / mechanical / stubborn / to cut blocks for printing
to record on a CD or DVD / to burn a disc
to engrave a seal / stamp mark / to print with carved type / to leave a deep impression
marked scale / graduated scale
to brook no delay / to demand immediate action
to portray
unkind / harsh / cutting / mean / acrimony / to embezzle by making illegal deductions
ingrained / entrenched / deep-rooted
lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom) / fig. etched in one's memory / unforgettable
block printed edition
to inscribe
to bear hardships and work hard (idiom); assiduous and long-suffering / hard-working and capable of overcoming adversity
spiteful / venomous
engraved blocks (for printing)
variant of 緙絲|缂丝
disk burner
dial (e.g. of a radio etc)
assiduous and painstaking
to make a conscious effort / to do something deliberately
to aim to carve a swan and get a semblance of a duck (idiom) / to fail utterly in trying to copy something / to get a reasonably good, if not perfect, result
to grab money / to exploit
(loanword) kitsch, in a sense that originates in the writing of Milan Kundera: getting emotional about sth due to the influence of social conditioning
variant of 克日
variant of 克期
to study diligently
harsh and merciless (idiom)
deep-seated lovesickness (idiom)

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