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38 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
  *到* | 到* | *到
to reach; to arrive / to leave for; to go to / to (a place); until (a time); up to (a point) / (verb complement indicating arriving at a place or reaching a point) / considerate; thoughtful; thorough
finally / in the end / when all is said and done / after all / to the end / to the last
to reach; to arrive
to arrive / arrival; advent
to fall due (loan etc) / to expire (visa etc) / to mature (investment bond etc)
to get to the intended location / to be in place / to be in position / precise / well (done)
HSK 7-9
in the end / finally / as a result
HSK 7-9
(of packages or shipments) to arrive
to take possession of / to get hold of
perfect / excellent / brought to the utmost degree
to the end (of) / at the end of / in the end / to come to an end
to show up / present (at the scene)
it's time (to do sth) / the time has come
to pay a visit
to take office; to assume a post
when the moment comes / at that time
at that (future) time
to make an appearance in court
at last / finally / in the end
to stop at this point / to end here / to call it a day
(used in graffiti) "... was here"
hereto / hereunto
until this moment
to arrive at (some place or time)
extremely / incredibly
up until now / to date
(finance) yield to maturity (YTM)
arrival hall
to be all present
(do a manual task) until one's hands go limp with exhaustion
until now; so far
lit. whatever mountain one is on, one should sing its songs (idiom) / fig. when in Rome, do as the Romans do
collect on delivery (COD)
cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) (transportation)
due date; expiry date; maturity date
ubiquitous / commonplace / found everywhere
(of money) to arrive in an account

Tip: Need to type pinyin with tonemarks? Try the 'Type Pinyin' item from the menu.
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