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24 results on this page.

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  *兼* | 兼* | *兼
double / twice / simultaneous / holding two or more (official) posts at the same time
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
to handle two or more responsibilities at the same time; to balance (career and family, or work and studies etc)
HSK 7-9
to hold a concurrent post / part-time; (in academia) adjunct
HSK 7-9
to hold concurrent posts / concurrent job / moonlighting
HSK 7-9
to combine / to have both
to annex / to take over / to acquire
to combine / to have both
to travel at double speed / to make all haste
"universal love", principle advocated by Mozi 墨子, stressing that people should care for everyone equally
listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will remain ignorant (idiom)
have both
an all-rounder / good at everything
incorporating diverse things (idiom) / eclectic / all-embracing
to have both (at the same time)
to include and monopolize many things / all-embracing
using several (methods)
to teach classes in addition to other duties / to hold several teaching jobs
a second job / supplementary way of making a living
mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
to moonlight / side job
to make everyone's lives better
to contain two things at a time / to mingle / to incorporate

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