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to act on; to affect / action; function; activity / impact; result; effect / purpose; intent / (suffix) -ation, -tion etc, as in 抑制作用, inhibition
author / CL: 個|个,
school assignment / homework / work / task / operation / CL: 個|个 / to operate
to write an essay / composition (student essay) / CL:
author; writer
work (of art) / opus / CL: ,
one's conduct / deed / activity / accomplishment / achievement / to act as / as (in the capacity of) / qua / to view as / to look upon (sth as) / to take sth to be
to put out / to come up with / to make (a choice, decision, proposal, response, comment etc) / to issue (a permit, statement, explanation, apology, reassurance to the public etc) / to draw (conclusion) / to deliver (speech, judgment) / to devise (explanation) / to extract
  *作* | 作* | *作
to do; to engage in / to write; to compose / to pretend; to feign / to regard as; to consider to be / to be; to act the part of / to feel (itchy, nauseous etc) / writings; works
combat / to fight
to become invalid / to cancel / to delete / to nullify
HSK 7-9
to practice fraud / to cheat / to engage in corrupt practices
HSK 7-9
style / style of work / way
HSK 7-9
to set oneself against / to oppose / to make a pair
HSK 7-9
to live somewhere as a visitor; to stay with sb as a guest; to sojourn
HSK 7-9
  *作* | 作* | *作
(bound form) worker / (bound form) workshop / (slang) troublesome; high-maintenance (person)
to work and rest
(physics) action force
to answer / to respond
to counterfeit / to falsify / to cheat / to defraud / fraudulent / to behave affectedly
to compose (music)
workshop (of artisan)
to ache
to commit a crime
to accompany / to keep sb company
to do evil
(of a ghost) to make strange things happen / to act up / to act behind the scenes / to make mischief / odd / to misbehave (euphemism for having sex)
to drop (subject etc)
to rebel; to rise in revolt
to conduct oneself / same as 做人
to bow with hands held in front
to make merry
to feel sick / to feel nauseous / to feel disgusted
to adopt an attitude / to strike a posture
to sin
to paint
to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising / hoist by his own petard
valid / counting (as valid)
to take one's leave / to bid farewell
to put on an attitude; to pose
tyrannical abuse (idiom); riding roughshod over people
to hinder / to obstruct / to create difficulties
to attend (a banquet etc) to keep a chief guest company
condiments / seasoning / coll. pr. [zuo2 liao5] / Taiwan pr. [zuo2 liao4]
maybe / possibly / there is reason to believe
to ill-use / to humiliate / to degrade / to ruin / also pr. [zuo2 jian4]
to tease / to play tricks on
lit. scatter like birds and beasts (idiom) / fig. to head off in various directions / to flee helter-skelter
to act as surety for sb / to be sb's guarantor / to stand bail for sb
to show signs of anger / to flush with annoyance
to host (a dinner) / to treat / to pick up the check
to flout the law
to be valid; to count / authentic
to bear witness; to testify / to serve as evidence
to die / to pass away
writer / expert
composer / songwriter
course of action / method of doing sth / practice / modus operandi
to decide; to have the final say
composer / song writer
to make a match / to get married
author unknown
to be honest and upright / to have moral integrity
operating system (Tw)
to court disaster / also pr. [zuo1si3]
to prepare / to make adequate preparation
operator (of a machine etc); factory worker
daily schedule / daily routine
to do / to make (usually bad connotation)
to show off (loanword, from English "show") / to grandstand / to perform in a stage show
variant of 做壽|做寿
daily schedule / work schedule
to make love
operating environment
variant of 做派
haunted / to haunt / to cause mischief
to take notes
to make a cocoon
author unspecified
to pledge
to be a thief
now working, now stopping

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