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to give; to deliver; to hand over
to be connected / traffic / transportation / communications / liaison
  *交* | 交* | *交
to hand over; to deliver; to pay (money); to turn over / to make friends / (of lines) to intersect / variant of
to make friends / (dialect) to start an affair with sb
to associate (with) / to have contact (with) / to hang out (with) / to date / (interpersonal) relationship / association / contact
to exchange / exchange / communication / interaction / to have social contact (with sb)
to deal; to trade; to transact / transaction; deal / CL: 筆|笔
traffic police (abbr. for 交通警察)
to pay a fee
to exchange / to swap / to switch (telecom) / commutative (math) / to commute
communication / social intercourse
to transfer (duties to sb else) / to give instructions; to tell (sb to do sth) / to explain; to give an account; to brief / to confess; to account for oneself / (jocular) to come to a bad end
to discuss; to converse / chat; discussion
HSK 7-9
to hand over / to deliver
HSK 7-9
to cross / to intersect / to overlap
HSK 7-9
common boundary / common border
HSK 7-9
(of diverse emotions) to occur simultaneously; to intermingle / common ground; points of commonality; overlap; connection / interaction; dealings / (math.) (set theory) intersection
HSK 7-9
to cross swords / to have a confrontation (with sb)
HSK 7-9
to replace / alternately; in turn
HSK 7-9
HSK 7-9
to negotiate (with) / to have dealings (with)
HSK 7-9
(of two things) to come into contact / to meet / to hand over to / to take over from / to associate with / to have friendly relations with / to have sexual intercourse
HSK 7-9
to whisper to one another's ear
HSK 7-9
friendship / friendly relations
HSK 7-9
to pay (taxes or dues)
HSK 7-9
to make friends
delivery (commerce)
Jiaotong University / University of Communications / abbr. of 交通大學|交通大学
meeting point / point of intersection
exchange / stock exchange
abbr. for 上海交通大學|上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 西安交通大學|西安交通大学 Xia'an Jiaotong University, 國立交通大學|国立交通大学 National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan) etc
means of transportation / vehicle
(Tw) highway interchange / (fig.) channel of communication
to assign (a task to sb)
to return sth / to hand back
mating / copulation (esp. of animals)
to deliver goods
Department of Transportation; (PRC) Ministry of Transport
to interweave
sympathetic nervous system
to fight hand to hand
to fight / to wage war
to hand over
switch (telecommunications)
to blend / to mix
to post bail / bail
to encounter / to rendezvous / to converge / to meet (a payment)
to join; to meet / to copulate; sexual intercourse
to crisscross / to intertwine
alternating current
symphony orchestra
to flow together / confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads) / (international) cooperation
mutual / interactive / each other / alternately / in turn / interaction
(road) intersection
traffic rules / rules of the road
traffic sign
symphony, symphonic
shuttle bus
trade fair
traffic hub
to settle accounts
association / communion / friendship
to hand over
to change shift
(female) social butterfly; socialite / courtesan
to associate with / to mix with / to connect
to have cordial relations with each other / to have sexual intercourse
Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
(idiom) to talk intimately while being comparative strangers
to be on friendly terms
symphony orchestra
linking arms / arm in arm / very close
social dance / ballroom dance
to bow to one another / to kneel and kowtow to one another / formal kowtow as part of traditional wedding ceremony
to open one's heart; to have a heart-to-heart conversation
Jiaocheng county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
exchange value
to become enemies; to become hostile towards each other
continuously circling one another / to buzz around
firefight / shooting
(of two or more things) to occur at the same time; to be mingled; to accompany each other
to be beleaguered
to close one's eyes (i.e. sleep)
to hand over to a successor; to relinquish one's office
old-style wooden folding armchair, typically featuring a footrest / (fig.) position in a hierarchy
interchange code / computer coding for characters, including Chinese
voices unanimous in praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation
to copulate (of animals) / to mate
to meet with luck / to hand over for transportation / to check (one's baggage at an airport etc)
to report back after completion of one's mission
Jiaokou county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁, Shanxi 山西
to have sex / to copulate
beset with difficulties
to have friendly relationships / circle of friends
(math.) angle of intersection
former southernmost province of the Chinese Empire, now northern Vietnam
in a state of war

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