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54 results on this page.

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English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
grave / serious / severe / critical
strict / stringent / tight / rigorous
  *严* | 严* | *严
tight (closely sealed) / stern / strict / rigorous / severe / father
(of an atmosphere etc) solemn; grave; serious / (of a manner etc) earnest; severe; exacting / to strictly enforce
severe / strict
grim / severe / rigorous
HSK 7-9
strict / tight (organization, surveillance etc)
HSK 7-9
to strictly prohibit
HSK 7-9
rigorous; strict; careful / (of writing) well organized; meticulous
HSK 7-9
bitter cold / severe winter
sternly / solemn
  *严* | 严* | *严
surname Yan
to strictly maintain
to take strict precautions / on your guard
severe / harsh
severe winter
to be strict with oneself (idiom) / to demand a lot of oneself
bitter / harsh / grim / ruthless / severe / cut-throat (competition)
to be strict with oneself
(sealed) tight / close / (hidden) safely / securely
to crack down on / to take severe measures against
(idiom) to fit together snugly; to dovetail perfectly
strict and impartial / firm
to punish severely
(of troops) in neat formation / (fig.) orderly
strict law / cruel punishment / to carry out cruel law rigorously
to punish severely (idiom)
forceful (criticism etc) / to use strong words
strict or stern father
to investigate strictly
stern words
strict / tight
sternly / strictly / harshly / stringently / rigorously
Itsukushima island in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan, with a famous shrine
to strictly control (abbr. for 嚴格控制|严格控制)
Yan Fu (1853-1921), influential Chinese writer and translator of Western books, esp. on social sciences
grave consequence; serious repercussion
careful / precise
strict and compassionate / strict as a father and tender as a mother
to scold / to censure
to strike a severe blow / to crack down / to take strong measures
strictly speaking
serious concern
(sealed) tightly / (wrapped) closely / (covered) completely
strictly speaking
serious problem
to be severe with oneself and lenient with others (idiom)
to criticize severely / to slate
up to the eyeballs / full to overflowing / jampacked
torture / interrogation by torture
Itsukujima shrine in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan
rigorous isolation
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

Tip: In the word dictionary, the Chinese sentence lookup can lookup whole Chinese sentences, automatically splitting it into separate words.
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