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  *鬼* | 鬼* | *鬼
disembodied spirit; ghost; devil / (suffix) person with a certain vice or addiction etc / sly; crafty; resourceful (variant of 詭|诡) / one of the 28 constellations of ancient Chinese astronomy
HSK 7-9
to make mischief / to play tricks
HSK 7-9
little demon (term of endearment for a child) / mischievous child / imp
mole / spy / rat / traitor
evil spirit / devil
black devil (derogatory term for black or African person)
malicious spirit; devil
lecher / pervert
sb who is always hungry / glutton / (Buddhism) hungry ghost
ghost of sb devoured by a tiger who helps the tiger devour others
(vulgar) impoverished person; the poor
absurd / strange / (interj.) curse it! / to hell with it!
to play tricks / to cheat / to get up to mischief / to become a ghost / to give up the ghost
lit. to pretend to be in contact with supernatural beings (idiom); fig. to create a false sense of mystery; to play tricks to deceive or scare others; to engage in hocus-pocus
heavy smoker / chain smoker
to play tricks; to cause mischief
to encounter a ghost or supernatural being / (coll.) to experience sth strange, eerie or unlucky
gambling addict
wandering ghosts without living descendants to pray for them (idiom) / person who has no family or friends to rely on
lazybones / idle bum
what the hell; preposterous
devil (used jocularly or contemptuously) / the departed
glutton; greedy pig
(coll.) youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)
scapegoat / fall guy
five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence / also written 五瘟神
ghost of a person who died by hanging / hanged person / (coll.) inchworm / hangman (word game)
reggae (loanword)
false hero (who pretends to be 李逵); a fake
public nuisance / a wicked, mean spirited individual
leech / bloodsucking vermin / vampire (translated European notion) / fig. cruel exploiter, esp. a capitalist exploiting the workers
to harbor ulterior motives (idiom)
(jocular) clever and quick-witted person
disgusting person / slob
glutton / chowhound
to exorcise / to drive out evil spirits
sb who dies prematurely
reckless person / hothead
miser; penny-pincher
to have secret motives / to have a guilty conscience
afraid to die (contemptuous term)
lecherous devil
gargoyle / grotesque
unlicensed street vendor
mischievous fellow; rascal
downcast wretch / bad-tempered and unpleasant person
miser / penny-pincher
dirty little devil (affectionate, of child)
(esp. during resistance against Japanese aggression 1931-1945) Jap; Nip
to suspect everyone / overly suspicious
(derog.) tubercular person; a consumptive
"white ghost", derogatory term for caucasians (Cantonese)
Red Devils, nickname of Manchester United Football Club
heavy smoker / chain smoker
Huang Fugui, ghost of legends who provided Liu Juanzi with his magical recipes 劉涓子鬼遺方|刘涓子鬼遗方

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