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  *骂* | 骂* | *骂
to scold / to abuse / to curse / CL: , 頓|顿
  *骂* | 骂* | *骂
variant of 罵|骂
to swear or curse (at people) / to scold or yell at someone
(idiom) to let out a torrent of abuse
to insult / to revile / abuse / vituperation
infamy / blackened name
to banter flirtatiously (idiom)
to hurl abuse / to deride / to call sb names
to receive a scolding
to damn / to curse / to revile
to verbally abuse
to spit on and curse / to revile
to rain curses (on sb) / to let sb have it / to bawl sb out
to bawl out / to reprimand severely
scolding / tongue-lashing / (fig.) angry criticism / opprobrium / CL:
lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree / fig. to scold sb indirectly / to make oblique accusations (idiom)
to swear while talking; to be foul-mouthed
to deride; to mock / (jocular) to heckle good-naturedly; to razz
to scold
to curse (at sb); to call sb names
to shout abuses in the street
to beat and scold
tongue-lashing / to chew out / CL: 頓|顿
lit. laughs, jeers, anger and invective (idiom) / fig. all kinds of emotions / to mock and scold / (of writing) freely roving / following the author's fancy
to scold
to curse / to berate angrily
(literary) to scold / to abuse
to revile / to abuse verbally
lit. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog (idiom) / fig. to make indirect criticisms
variant of 謾罵|谩骂
scurrilous / to scold indiscriminately
to hurl abuse / to trade insults / slanging match
to curse fiercely
to abuse / to mock
curse word / four-letter word / esp. the "national swear word" of China, namely 他媽的|他妈的
to scold; to abuse
lit. in the presence of a monk, insult another monk, calling him a bald-headed bandit (idiom) / fig. to insult indirectly; to criticize obliquely
lit. to insult a bald man while pointing at a monk (idiom) / fig. to insult indirectly / to criticize obliquely
to suffer beatings and receive abuse (idiom)
to curse under one's breath / to grumble inaudibly
shouting abuse in the street like a fishwife
to hurl insults at each other
lit. to eat meat from one's bowl, then put down one's chopsticks and scold one's mother (idiom) / fig. to complain despite being privileged / to be ungrateful for what one has been given
to whip and revile
to scold without end (idiom); incessant abuse
to chew sb out (Tw)

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