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77 results on this page.

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biscuit; cracker; cookie / CL: , 塊|块
  *饼* | 饼* | *饼
round flat cake / cookie / cake / pastry / CL: 張|张
mooncake (esp. for the Mid-Autumn Festival)
thin flat cake / pancake / pizza
meat patty
meat pie / pie / pasty
pancake / flat bread / griddle cake
dried persimmon
baked sesame seed-coated cake
pressed cosmetic powder (formed into a cake) / compact powder
deep-fried doughcake / oilcake (animal fodder)
large flat bread
spring pancake, a Chinese flatbread wrap
(athletics) discus / discus throw
maize or millet pancake
baking pan
double happiness cakes, pastries offered by a man to his fiancée's family at the time of their engagement
lit. to allay one's hunger using a picture of a cake / to feed on illusions (idiom)
cake fertilizer
cakes / pastries
cakes / pastry
egg pancake (thin pancake rolled up with omelet inside, popular in Taiwan as a breakfast dish)
erhua variant of 餡餅|馅饼
pie chart
fluffy, flaky pancake (made with dough, not batter)
soft mixed vegetable and meat roll-up
rolled-up pastry / roll / turnover (patisserie)
scallion pancake
filtrate / solid residue produced by a filter / mud from filtering can sugar
sandwich cookie / (jocular) sb who is caught between two opposing parties; sb who is between the hammer and the anvil
muffin / pancake / (Tw) waffle
burrito / taco
snow skin mooncake (with a soft casing which is not baked, instead of the traditional baked pastry casing)
a meat pie falls from the sky (idiom) / to have something fall into your lap
fortune cookie
shredded daikon pie
crêpe (loanword)
sesame biscuit
suncake (small round cake made with flaky pastry and a maltose filling, originally from Taichung, Taiwan)
imagawayaki (sweet snack made of batter cooked in the shape of a car wheel, stuffed with azuki bean paste or other fillings)
pita bread
(loanword) pita bread
hash browns / croquette
pie chart
wafer / wafer cookie
fluffy, flaky pancake (made with dough, not batter)
(loanword) taco
fortune cookie
soda biscuit; soda cracker; saltine
(Tw) a square sheet of pastry, typically pan-fried and served with savory fillings or sweet jam
round flat bread / pita bread
there is no such thing as a free lunch (idiom)
pizza (loanword) / CL: 張|张
dinner party given on the third day after the birth of a baby (traditional)
deep-fried cake
jianbing, a savory Chinese crêpe / pancake / CL: 張|张
corn cake / Mexican tortilla
pizza (loanword)
dried persimmon (from Geng village, Heze 荷澤|荷泽, Shandong)
flaky scallion pancake (made with dough, not batter)
apple pie
blood clot / coagulated blood
pie chart / pie diagram

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