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food / CL: 種|种
foodstuff; food; provisions / CL: 種|种
culinary delicacy / fine food / gourmet food
snack; nibbles
foodstuff / cereals / CL: 種|种
dining hall; cafeteria / CL: 個|个, 間|间
eating and drinking / food and drink; diet
to eat; to consume / edible
HSK 7-9
food / meals
HSK 7-9
board and lodging / room and board
HSK 7-9
meals; food
HSK 7-9
staple food
HSK 7-9
to save on food and clothing (idiom); to live frugally
HSK 7-9
vegetarian food / to eat a vegetarian diet
HSK 7-9
  *食* | 食* | *食
to eat / food / animal feed / eclipse
  *食* | 食* | *食
to feed (a person or animal)
food made from wheat flour, such as noodles, dumplings, buns etc
cooked food / prepared food / deli food
esophagus; gullet / (old) the proper way to eat / (old) food transportation route
cookbook / recipe / diet / CL: , 個|个
to eat one's meal
edible salt
man-eating (beast) / to eat people / fig. to oppress the people
index finger / (literary) mouths to feed
lit. clothing, food, housing and transportation (idiom) / fig. people's basic needs
(of an insect) to drink (nectar, sap, blood etc) / (of a person) to take (a narcotic drug) / to drink through a straw
to fast / to abstain from eating / to forbid the eating of (certain foods) / a fast
quantity of food one eats; food intake
(lit. and fig.) to nibble away at
lunar eclipse / eclipse of the moon
to eat too much / to binge
to accidentally eat; to inadvertently ingest
(of food) fast; instant / (Tw) fast food
to eat (of bird or animal) / to feed
food / edibles
to devour
dessert / sweet
to save food / to go on a diet
food cereals
extravagant lifestyle
to eat and drink unreasonably
tonic food (food considered to be particularly healthful) / to eat such foods
(of a bird) to peck at food
(of food) to retain in stomach due to indigestion (TCM)
cooking oil
to be picky about food
esophagus; gullet / (Tw) regulation of food safety and sanitation (abbr. for 食品衛生管理|食品卫生管理)
omnivorous (zoology) / snacks / a varied diet
brocade garments, jade meals (idiom); a life of luxury / extravagance
having ample food and clothing (idiom); well fed and clothed
to feed
to break one's promise
to aid digestion
lit. to eat off one's own strength (idiom) / fig. to stand on one's own feet / to earn one's own living
gluttonous; greedy
cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qingming festival 清明節|清明节) / the Qingming festival
instant (food)
to go on a hunger strike
to forage / to hunt for food / to scavenge / fig. to make a living
(medicine) liquid food
to consume
(TCM) food therapy; treatment via food
(idiom) to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work
to prey on / to catch and feed on / to hunt for food
lit. the weak are prey to the strong (idiom) / fig. the law of the jungle
restaurant / eatery
partial to (some kinds of food, usu. unhealthy) / having likes and dislikes / partial eclipse
total eclipse
table vinegar
diner (in a restaurant etc) / hanger-on / sponger
food and drink
lit. human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food (idiom) / fig. man will do anything in his means to become rich
to eat one's own fruit (idiom); fig. suffering the consequences of one's own action / to reap what one has sown
solar eclipse
total eclipse of the sun
when hungry, you can't pick what you eat (idiom); beggars can't be choosers / When matters are urgent, don't spend time choosing alternatives.
non-staple food / CL: 種|种
lit. food not filling the stomach (idiom) / fig. poverty-stricken
to beg for food
lit. to eat but finely ground grain and finely chopped meat (idiom, from Analects) / fig. to be fastidious about one's food
total lunar eclipse
lit. not eating for fear of choking (idiom); fig. to cut off one's nose to spite one's face / to avoid sth essential because of a slight risk
short of food and clothing / destitute
to eat three square meals a day and do no work (idiom) / to be sated with food and remain idle
(of food) to retain in stomach due to indigestion (TCM)
so dedicated as to forget one's meals (idiom)
to be picky (food)
lit. to nibble like a silkworm or swallow like a whale (idiom) / fig. to seize (territory etc) incrementally or wholesale
partial eclipse of the sun
like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey
to dress before light and not eat before dark (idiom) / diligently attending to official matters

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