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56 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
risk; hazard
insurance / to insure / safe / secure / be sure / be bound to / CL:
danger / dangerous
  *险* | 险* | *险
danger / dangerous / rugged
to explore / to go on an expedition / adventure
HSK 7-9
to take risks / to take chances / foray / adventure
HSK 7-9
perilous; touch-and-go; nerve-racking; suspenseful
HSK 7-9
to get into difficulties / to meet with danger
HSK 7-9
difficult and dangerous / hardships and perils
HSK 7-9
to experience adventures
treacherous / sinister
auto insurance
to flee from danger / to avoid danger / to minimize risk / (finance) hedge
to get out of trouble / to escape from danger / a danger appears / threatened by danger
life insurance (abbr. for 人壽保險|人寿保险)
dangerous / ruthless / treacherous
to take a risk out of desperation (idiom)
to be more scared than hurt (idiom) / to get through a daunting experience without mishap
fire danger (abbr. for 火災危險|火灾危险) / fire insurance (abbr. for 火災保險|火灾保险)
to take risks / involved in adventure
to get out of danger
a natural stronghold
to take risks / to run risks
malicious / treacherous / wicked and crafty
shrink or flinch from no difficulty or danger / make light of difficulties and dangers
(to resist the enemy) relying on inaccessible territory
high risk
old-age insurance
medical insurance
The Moment of Truth (TV show) / Truth or Dare (game)
liability insurance
to take risks
reinsurance (contractual device spreading risk between insurers)
labor insurance
all risks (insurance)
AIA Group Limited, insurance company
life insurance
credit risk
National Health Insurance (Tw)
lit. the mountains are high and the torrents swift / to undertake an arduous task or journey (idiom)
investment risk
travel insurance covering flight delay, baggage loss etc (abbr. for 旅遊不便保險|旅游不便保险)
health insurance
to risk one's life
(Tw) National Pension Insurance, a social security scheme in Taiwan
to have a close call / to have a narrow escape
emergency (measures) / to react to an emergency
to guard a natural stronghold
to rely on natural barriers (for one's defense)
travel insurance covering medical expenses (abbr. for 旅遊平安保險|旅游平安保险)
social security (abbr. to 社保)
aggregate risk
out of danger / to avoid danger
financial reinsurance (aka "fin re")

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