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100 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
besides / apart from (... also...) / in addition to / except (for)
to eliminate / to remove
to remove / to sack / to get rid of / to relieve (sb of their duties) / to free / to lift (an embargo) / to rescind (an agreement)
to eliminate / to remove / to exclude / to rule out
to tear down / to demolish / to dismantle / to remove
only if (..., or otherwise, ...) / only when / only in the case that / unless
lunar New Year's Eve
  *除* | 除* | *除
to get rid of / to remove / to exclude / to eliminate / to wipe out / to divide / except / not including
to delete / to cancel
HSK 7-9
to clear away / to eliminate / to get rid of
HSK 7-9
to deduct
HSK 7-9
to reject / to discard / to get rid of
HSK 7-9
to eliminate / to remove / except for / apart from
HSK 7-9
to remove / to dislodge
HSK 7-9
to expel (a member of an organization) / to fire (an employee)
HSK 7-9
to eliminate / to do away with / to get rid of
HSK 7-9
to prevent / to avoid / to excuse / to exempt / to relieve / (of a debt) to remit
HSK 7-9
to excise / to cut out (a tumor)
HSK 7-9
to exclude / not including sth (when counting or listing) / except for
HSK 7-9
to abolish / to abrogate / to repeal
HSK 7-9
to clean; to clean up / to eliminate; to wipe out
HSK 7-9
to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch / to eliminate completely
HSK 7-9
apart from this / in addition to this
HSK 7-9
to deodorize
to eliminate dust (i.e. filter out suspended particles)
to get rid of / to dismiss
to eliminate
divisor (math.)
to excise / to remove an organ
to remove
to weed
to eradicate
to defibrillate / defibrillation
to dispel / to clear
(math.) divided by
to get rid of
to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic)
to drive off / to dispel / to expel
division (math.)
besides / except / to get rid of (sb) / (math.) to divide
to remove / to dismantle
to reduce / to lessen (pain etc) / to deduct (from taxes)
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: the four basic operations of arithmetic
to root out / to eliminate the roots / to cure once and for all
to multiply and divide
to strike off (the rolls) / to remove from a list / to expunge / to expel
to root out; to eradicate; to sweep away; to abolish
to quit / to give up (a bad habit)
to pull out / to remove
(idiom) to rid the people of a scourge
to overcome all obstacles / to overcome countless difficulties
to eradicate evil completely (idiom); thorough in rooting out wickedness
to eliminate / to expel / to abolish
to root out the strong and give people peace (idiom); to rob the rich and give to the poor
division sign (math.)
lit. the disease is cured the moment the medicine is taken (idiom) / fig. (of a medical treatment) to give instant results / (of a solution or method) highly effective
to amputate / to excise (cut out)
to eradicate / to exterminate
to eliminate superstition (idiom)
to remove / to eliminate / to delete
to discard / to get rid of / to dispense with
to get rid of / to weed out / to reject
front court / courtyard
to promote what is useful and get rid of what is harmful (idiom)
to get rid of / to dismiss / to brush aside
to reprieve / to avoid / to redeem
lit. cut grass and pull out roots (idiom); fig. to destroy root and branch / to eradicate
to get rid of the old to bring in the new (idiom); to innovate
long division / calculation on the abacus
to replace the old with new (idiom)
to remove hair; to depilate
to eliminate; to kill off
to erase
to filter out
to exorcize (evil spirits) / to purify through ritual / to rid oneself of (a bad habit)
(literary) to clean up
to defrost / defrosting
to wash away / to eliminate / to do away with
to screen or filter out / to winnow (agriculture)
to dispel (doubts)
to pardon
to wipe out / to exterminate
to destroy
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
to expel from the Party
there are no rivers to one who has crossed the ocean, and no clouds to one who has passed Mount Wu (idiom) / one who has seen the world doesn't stop at small things
fault resolution / trouble clearing
AED (automated external defibrillator)
radical scavenger (chemistry)
(dialect) except / besides
to disambiguate
to guard against evil / to exorcise
anti-alias (computer graphics)
to expel spirits / (old) to end the period of mourning
expel the Manchu, revolutionary slogan from around 1900
to expel from school
divisor (math.)
to reject / to abandon

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