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49 results on this page.

Usage Tips
English Definition Add a new word to the dictionary Traditional
stage / section / phase / period / CL: 個|个
steps / flight of steps / step (over obstacle) / fig. way out of an embarrassing situation / bench (geology)
(social) class / CL: 個|个
HSK 7-9
flight of steps / (fig.) stepping stone; way to reach the goal of
HSK 7-9
social class
HSK 7-9
  *阶* | 阶* | *阶
rank or step / stairs
  *阶* | 阶* | *阶
variant of 階|阶
the factorial of a number, e.g. 5! = = 120
musical scale
official rank
stone step
doorstep / threshold
high level
second order / quadratic (math.)
terrace (geography)
order / rank / level
new level; higher plane
at the present stage
working class
the capitalist class / the bourgeoisie
peasant class (esp. in Marxist theory); peasantry
low level
social composition / social status (in Marxist theory, esp. using during the Cultural Revolution)
to extricate oneself / way out
pentatonic scale
middle class
exploiting class (in Marxist theory)
social class
heptatonic scale
low-level (computer) language
to confer additional titles on a nobleman
synchronous digital hierarchy / SDH
lit. earthen steps and a small cottage / frugal living conditions (idiom)
lit. earthen steps and a thatched hut / frugal living conditions (idiom)
the landlord class
petty bourgeois
salaried class
to find an excuse / to look for a pretext
bourgeois rightist faction (esp. during anti-rightist movement of 1957-58)
bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)
stepping-stone to greater power or higher rank
lecture theater
volumetric pricing / tiered pricing / differential pricing
specific to a particular stage (of a project etc) / interim (policy etc) / occurring in stages / phased
class struggle
(computing) high-level language (Tw, HK, Macau)

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