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  *防* | 防* | *防
to protect / to defend / to guard against / to prevent
to prevent / to guard against / to take precautions
to prevent / to take precautions against / to protect / to guard against / precautionary / prophylactic
firefighting / fire control
to prevent and cure / prevention and cure
to defend / to protect (against)
to be on guard / wariness / to guard against / preventive
to defend / to protect
HSK 7-9
defense / to defend
HSK 7-9
firewall / CL:
HSK 7-9
to prevent epidemics
HSK 7-9
to guard against theft / anti-theft
HSK 7-9
national defense
HSK 7-9
to guard against / to be vigilant / watch you don't (slip) / Taiwan pr. [ti2 fang2]
HSK 7-9
flood control / anti-flood (precautions)
HSK 7-9
to defend / defensive / defense
HSK 7-9
security door
HSK 7-9
to set up defenses / to fortify
to guard against the unexpected (idiom); just in case / prepared for any eventualities
to inhibit mold / mold-proof / mildew-proof
rotproof / antiseptic / anti-corrosion
to prevent counterfeiting; anti-counterfeiting
defensive line or perimeter / CL:
flood control / flood prevention
to be caught off guard / without warning
coastal defense
shockproof / to guard against earthquakes
to prevent and control (e.g. the spread of a communicable disease)
to protect against fire
(pertaining to) defense
(so as) to avoid / to prevent / (just) in case
to take strict precautions / on your guard
attack and defense / the midfield (in soccer)
to suppress a riot / riot control
to protect from wind / fangfeng (Saposhnikovia divaricata), its root used in TCM
anti-aircraft defense
sunburn protection
disaster prevention / to protect against natural disasters
city defense
damp proof / moisture proof / protection against tides
to protect against poisonous substances, narcotics or computer viruses
to nip in the bud (idiom)
antiskid / slip resistant
self-protection / to defend oneself
to fight corruption and forestall moral degeneration
loss prevention
breakwater / seawall / fig. defensive buffer zone
(idiom) virtually impossible to prevent
dike / embankment / levee
frontier defense
overcoat / down jacket / winter wear
(Tw) to combat (bullying, money laundering etc) / to counter
abbr. for 國防部長|国防部长, Minister of Defense
to take preventative measures; to guard against accident or disaster
Fangcheng district of Fangchenggang city 防城港市, Guangxi
to lay out a defense
to guard against / to beware of
rust prevention / anti-corrosion
to prevent troubles before the event (idiom) / to forestall / to nip sth in the bud
air force / air defense
security measures (esp. border security) / official seal (esp. military seal during Qing and Ming times)
to guard against
to prevent tooth decay / anti-caries
unexpectedly / suddenly / at unawares / off guard / against expectations
to relieve a garrison
(video games) to break through an opponent's defenses / (by extension) (slang) to get to sb / to make sb feel upset or moved
to thwart espionage; counterespionage
suddenly / unexpectedly / taken by surprise / at unawares
gas mask
fire hydrant
Defense secretary / Defense Minister
fire engine / fire truck
air raid shelter; bomb shelter / (fig.) place that protects bad people; hideout
suntan lotion / sunscreen cream
Fangchenggang, prefecture-level city in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 廣西壯族自治區|广西壮族自治区
to reinforce defenses
reasonable self-defense / legitimate defense
(gaming) tower defense
safety goggles
refrain from hurting others, yet guard against those trying to hurt you (proverb)
snow chain (for a vehicle tire)
fortification / defensive structure
(of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age
protective clothing; hazmat suit
riot police / riot squad
bulletproof vest
radiation protection
defensive art
defense industry
Green Wall of China, a massive afforestation program on the eastern margin of the Gobi Desert aimed at stopping the desert's expansion, started in 1978 and planned to be completed by 2050
Fangcheng district of Fangchenggang city 防城港市, Guangxi
antifreeze agent
border police

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