| | to sell / to market / sales (representative, agreement etc) | HSK 4 |
| | to promote sales | HSK 4 |
| | to market / to sell | HSK 4 |
| | to repeal / to revoke / (computing) to undo | HSK 6 |
| | to melt (metal) / to cancel; to annul / to sell / to expend; to spend / pin; bolt / to fasten with a pin or bolt | HSK 7-9 |
| | to submit an expense account / to apply for reimbursement / to write off / to wipe out | HSK 7-9 |
| | to sell well / bestselling; chart-topping | HSK 7-9 |
| | sales volume | HSK 7-9 |
| | to dump (goods, products) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to pay (expenses) / expenses / (old) to dismiss (an employee) | HSK 7-9 |
| | to destroy (by melting or burning) / to obliterate | HSK 7-9 |
| | to suspend (an agreement) / to revoke | HSK 7-9 |
| | marketing | |
| | to display and sell (e.g. at a fair) / sales exhibition | |
| | to cancel / to write off | |
| | to sell / to sell on commission / to distribute | |
| | to sell well / hot-selling | |
| | multi-level marketing | |
| | to close an account / to cancel sb's household registration | |
| | to spend (money) / expenses | |
| | to amortize / amortization | |
| | to sell; to market; marketing | |
| | (accounting) to charge against / to write off | |
| | to audit and write off | |
| | sale / market / state of the market / sales event | |
| | supply and marketing / distribution / supply and sales | |
| | to vanish without trace (idiom) / to lie low | |
| | to sell as agent / to sell on commission (e.g. insurance policies) / proxy sale (of stocks) | |
| | credit transaction / to sell on account | |
| | distribution / transport and sale (of goods) | |
| | distribution / retail store | |
| | to export / to sell abroad | |
| | to sell to faraway lands | |
| | to sell out / to run out (of supplies) / deficient / lack of supplies | |
| | production and sales; production and marketing | |
| | to sell in the domestic market / domestic market | |
| | to underwrite (i.e. guarantee financing) / underwriting / to sell as agent / consignee | |
| | bolt (for locking a window, cabinet etc) / (electrical) plug | |
| | ecstasy / rapture / to feel overwhelming joy or sorrow | |
| | to sell directly / direct sale (by a factory) / direct marketing | |
| | to sell poorly / unmarketable / slow-moving (product, inventory etc) | |
| | overwhelming sadness (idiom); sorrow at parting | |
| | to write off at one stroke | |
| | marketable / saleable / appropriate to the market | |
| | to write off / to cancel an item from accounts | |
| | to dispose of stolen goods | |
| | to have exclusive selling rights / to be the sole agent for a production unit or firm | |
| | to be reimbursed for actual expenses | |
| | a peg / a pin / dowel | |
| | to hand in for cancellation (e.g. a license) | |
| | to report back after a period of absence | |
| | trial sale / test marketing | |
| | to close a case / to bring a case to a close (law) | |
| | state marketing monopoly | |
| | to corrode; to erode; to wear away (lit. and fig.) | |
| | to write off / to cancel an account / to draw a line under | |
| | sale | |
| | to melt / to eliminate | |
| | to write off / to cancel | |
| | | |
| | to close an account; to cancel a (phone) number | |
| | marketing | |
| | best-seller / best-selling book / blockbuster | |
| | sales figure / total income from sales / turnover | |
| | to sell / to be on sale / to be sold | |
| | to dispatch / consigned (goods) | |
| | small profit but rapid turnover | |
| | dealer / seller / distributor / broker / agency / franchise (i.e. company) / retail outlet | |
| | anti-dumping | |
| | dowel / carpenter's pin | |
| | underwriting company / dealership / sales agency | |
| | point of sale (POS) / checkout / retail outlet | |
| | distribution network | |
| | | |
| | state monopoly of purchasing and marketing | |
| | kingpin (vehicle part) / to focus one's marketing efforts on (a region, product etc) | |
| | trade show; sales exhibition | |
| | lead underwriter | |
| | outlet / commission shop / agency | |
| | distributor | |
| | retail store | |
| | underwriting spread | |
| | goods on consignment | |
| | distribution (of goods for sale) | |
| | sales ledger (accountancy) | |
| | irrevocable letter of credit | |
| | distribution business / supplier | |
| | pyramid scheme | |
| | sales agent / salesman / consignee / underwriter | |
| | underwriting spread | |
| | goods on consignment | |
| | underwriting group | |
| | dealership | |
| | sales representative / salesperson | |
| | fulcrum pin | |
| | yoke / chains / shackles / fetters | |
| | | |
| | viral marketing | |
| | product placement | |
| | marketing message | |