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policy / guidelines / CL: 個|个
  *针* | 针* | *针
needle / pin / injection / stitch / CL: ,
  *针* | 针* | *针
variant of 針|针, needle
to give or have an injection
HSK 7-9
pointer on a gauge / clock hand / cursor / (computing) pointer
hand of a clock / hour hand
needle used in embroidery or sewing / acupuncture needle / orange day-lily (Hemerocallis fulva)
crochet hook / crochet needle
pin / safety pin / clip / brooch / CL:
paper clip
second hand (of a clock)
lit. to see a gap and stick in a needle (idiom); fig. to make use of every second and every inch
silver needle (fine needle used in acupuncture)
to give or have an acupuncture treatment
minute hand (of a clock or watch)
pine needle
hand of a clock
major policy of the national government
to faint during acupuncture or injection
firing pin
to thread a needle
spicule (in biology) / bone needle (in archaeology)
sewing needle
lit. a needle concealed in silk floss (idiom) / fig. ruthless character behind a gentle appearance / a wolf in sheep's clothing / an iron fist in a velvet glove
acupuncture needle
stylus (gramophone needle)
to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task / to study diligently
auriculotherapy (ear acupuncture)
lit. to fish a needle from the sea / to find a needle in a haystack (idiom)
to leave an inserted needle in place for a period of time (acupuncture)
to stitch fabric / (medicine) to sew up a wound or incision
minute hand (of a clock or watch) / double crochet
another name for 金箍棒 / (fig.) stabilizing force
remonstrance / admonition
If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle. / cf idiom 磨杵成針|磨杵成针, to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task / to study diligently
lightning rod
a policy expressed as an eight-character slogan / (esp.) the eight-character slogan for the economic policy proposed by Li Fuchun 李富春 in 1961: 調整鞏固充實提高|调整巩固充实提高 "adjust, consolidate, enrich and improve"
(electronics) pin header; male header
paper clip
to put sb on an intravenous drip
paper clip
to thread a needle / (fig.) to act as a go-between
heart-strengthening shot / fig. a shot in the arm
general policy / overall guidelines
immunization injection / fig. forewarning / heads-up / preventive measure
(vaccine) booster shot
wind vane / anemometer / weathercock
knitting needle
needle / hypodermic needle
anticlockwise / counterclockwise
staple (variant of 訂書針|订书针)

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