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  *过* | 过* | *过
to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a holiday) / to live / to get along / excessively / too-
  *过* | 过* | *过
(experienced action marker)
to surpass / to exceed / to outstrip
to pass through; to get through / to adopt (a resolution); to pass (legislation) / to pass (a test) / by means of; through; via
to pass / to go through / process / course / CL: 個|个
to feel sad / to feel unwell / (of life) to be difficult
to walk past / to pass by
only / merely / no more than / but / however / anyway (to get back to a previous topic) / cannot be more (after adjectival)
to pass / to spend (time) / to survive / to get through
only / merely / nothing but / no more than / it's just that ...
to miss (train, opportunity etc)
to pass by or through
to cross over / to transcend / to cover distance / to overcome / to rise above
HSK 7-9
to pass through
HSK 7-9
to pass through / to penetrate / by means of / via
HSK 7-9
to let off / to let slip by / to let sb get away with sth
HSK 7-9
to take the blame (for sb else)
HSK 7-9
to cross over / to pass through
HSK 7-9
  *过* | 过* | *过
surname Guo
Yang Guo, protagonist of "The Return of the Condor Heroes" 神鵰俠侶|神雕侠侣 / (used jocularly as a verb "to have tested positive", since 楊|杨 and 陽|阳 are homonyms)
to have an easy time / (feel) well
to surmount / to cross over
to correct one's errors; to mend one's ways
to fly over / to fly past
sin / offense
merits and demerits / contributions and errors
to give sb a demerit
across / opposite / the other side
to distrust / to be suspicious
satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through / without high ambitions, but getting by
to make up for an earlier mistake / to make amends
to filter
to pass over / to skip
to flash through (one's mind) / to dodge (away from pursuers)
to reflect on one's past errors
to repent; to be penitent
to live independently / to live on one's own
to brush past; to pass by (sb) / (fig.) to miss (an opportunity, a danger etc); to have a brush (with death)
to meet with great difficulties but pull through
to flit across / to sweep past / to glance (strike at an angle)
to make up for one's faults by doing good deeds (idiom)
can't persuade; unable to make (sb) change their mind; unable to resist (sb)
shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes
to detour / to bypass / to circumvent / to avoid / to wind around (of a road etc)
to take the blame for sb else / to be made a scapegoat
to put the blame on sb else
anyhow / in any event / just / only
serious mistake / major demerit
(of a meteor etc) to streak across (the sky) / (of a searchlight, lightning etc) to play across (the sky)
to give sth only cursory attention / to treat sth as not very significant
to crash one's way through
to pardon / to excuse / to forgive
to squeeze through / to force one's way through
to crush sth by running over it
to traverse
over (a certain age)
to turn over / to transform
surpassing by far
excuse me (i.e. let me through, please)
to face the wall and ponder about one's misdeeds / to stand in the corner (punishment) / (fig.) to examine one's conscience
to brush past
excessively / too
trustworthy / reliable
couldn't be better / ideal / wonderful
(idiom) to mention only very briefly; to skate over (a topic)
(dialect) except / besides
to skate around / to skip over / to skimp
little mistake / minor offense / slightly too much
so angry it's unbearable / bitter about unbearable grievances
cannot conceal (a matter) from (sb)
a person of great moral stature does not remember the offenses committed by one of low moral stature
to jump over / to skip (a step, chapter etc)
to exceed by far / to outclass
to flash past / to flit by
lit. not aiming to achieve the best possible result, but rather trying to avoid making mistakes (idiom) / fig. to take a risk-averse approach
not an exaggeration / not excessive / not wide of the mark
Everyone makes mistakes (idiom)
to just scrape through with a narrow pass (in an exam)
to excel / to surpass
to whistle past / to hurtle past / to zip by
to be unable to breathe easily
variant of 諉過|诿过
to be unable to defeat; to be no match for (sb)
to swap places
to take (sth proffered)
to ford (a stream, river etc)
to sweep past / to hurtle past / to swoosh past
cannot stand by idly and watch / unable to put up with it any longer / see 看不過去|看不过去
presentable / passable
to acknowledge one's faults and correct them (idiom)
to pass (an exam)

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