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in the same place / together / with / altogether (in total)
I'm sorry; excuse me; I beg your pardon / to let (sb) down; to disappoint
to stand up; to get up / also pr. [qi3lai2]
to get out of bed; to get up
  *起* | 起* | *起
to rise / to raise / to get up / to set out / to start / to appear / to launch / to initiate (action) / to draft / to establish / to get (from a depot or counter) / verb suffix, to start / starting from (a time, place, price etc) / classifier for occurrences or unpredictable events: case, instance / classifier for groups: batch, group
(of an aircraft or rocket) to take off; to lift off / (fig.) (of an enterprise etc) to start to develop rapidly
to recall / to think of / to call to mind
seemingly; apparently; looks as if; appears to be; gives the impression that; seems on the face of it to be
to look down upon / to despise
amazing / terrific / extraordinary
to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse
(in an expression of the form 起到 + … + 作用) to have (a (motivating etc) effect); to play (a (stabilizing etc) role)
to mention / to speak of / to lift / to pick up / to arouse / to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc)
at the minimum; at the very least
to originate / to initiate / to launch (an attack, an initiative etc) / to start / to propose sth (for the first time)
to sue / to bring a lawsuit against / to prosecute
starting point
to show respect for / to think highly of
compared with
HSK 7-9
unremarkable / nothing out of the ordinary
HSK 7-9
proposer / initiator / founding member
HSK 7-9
to move up and down / to undulate / ups and downs
HSK 7-9
to rise / to spring up / to burgeon / to be aroused / to come into vogue
HSK 7-9
to lift; to raise (a lid etc) / (of a storm) to surge; to stir up (waves etc) / (fig.) to trigger; set off (a wave of popularity, a controversy etc)
HSK 7-9
origin / to originate / to come from
HSK 7-9
to arouse / to evoke / to cause / to stir up
HSK 7-9
originally; at first; at the outset
HSK 7-9
to set out / to set in motion / the start (of some activity)
HSK 7-9
to provoke / to stir up / to incite
HSK 7-9
cannot afford / can't afford buying
HSK 7-9
not to let sb down / to treat sb fairly / be worthy of
HSK 7-9
to rise abruptly (to a towering position) / to tower over / to spring up / to emerge suddenly / the emergence (e.g. of a power)
HSK 7-9
energetic; vigorous; enthusiastic
HSK 7-9
to look down upon; to hold in contempt
HSK 7-9
to waken (to action) / to rouse (the masses) / to evoke (attention, recollection etc)
HSK 7-9
the starting line (of a race) / scratch line (in a relay race)
HSK 7-9
to make a draft / to draw up (plans)
HSK 7-9
up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succession / no sooner one subsides, the next arises / repeating continuously / occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)
HSK 7-9
to set out / to leave
HSK 7-9
continuously arising / to arise repeatedly
HSK 7-9
to mention / to speak of / to talk about
HSK 7-9
(of a sound) to come forth / (of a sound source) to ring out / to sound / to go off
HSK 7-9
to explode / to set off an explosion / to detonate
to name / to christen / to take a name
to start out by / to grow an enterprise beginning with / to begin one's career by
to surge like a gathering storm (idiom) / to grow by leaps and bounds
beginning and end (dates)
to calculate / to estimate / in total / all told / (fig.) if you think about it
everyday life / regular pattern of life
(of aircraft) to take off and land
erection / to have an erection
(after a verb) indicating the beginning and continuation of an action or a state / indicating an upward movement (e.g. after ) / indicating completion / (after a perception verb, e.g. ) expressing preliminary judgment / also pr. [qi3lai5]
to heckle / rowdy jeering / to create a disturbance
cheese (loanword) (Tw)
Wuchang Uprising of October 10th, 1911, which led to Sun Yat-sen's Xinhai Revolution and the fall of the Qing dynasty
baking soda (used to leaven bread) / screwdriver / bottle opener
to have an effect / to play a role / to be operative / to work / to function
to originate / origin; genesis / account of the origins of an endeavor
to start / at first / beginning
to set about (doing sth)
lit. can pick it up or put it down (idiom) / fig. to take what comes / to meet gains or losses with equanimity
to heave / to lift / to raise up / to uphold
to mention / to bring up (a subject) / with regard to / as for
motive / purpose / (sth) being the motive or purpose
a turn for the better / to pick up / to improve
to raise one's head / to perk up
to get up / to leave / to set forth
cheese (loanword) (Tw)
to catch fire / to cook / to get angry
to arise again / to make a comeback / resurgence
to erect (a tent etc) / to prick up (one's ears) / to raise (one's eyebrows) / to stick up (one's thumb) / to turn up (one's collar) / (of a bird) to puff up (one's feathers)
uprising / insurrection / revolt
(athletics) to take off (at the start of a jump) / (of price, salary etc) to start (from a certain level)
peasant revolt
to rise high; to spring up
to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom)
to bubble / to foam / to blister / to sprout boils (on one's body) / sparkling (wine etc)
to appear / to emerge / to surface
to stick up / to point sth up
cause / a factor (leading to an effect)
lit. to set up a separate kitchen (idiom); to start from scratch / back to square one / to start of on a new path
to spring up everywhere / from all around
to well up / to boil out / to bubble forth / to spurt
to emerge as a new force to be reckoned with (idiom)
variant of 捲起|卷起
can't stand it / to be unable to bear / to be unable to resist
to rise from the dead (idiom); fig. an unexpected recovery
indictment (law) / statement of charges (law)
since childhood
to get up early
to take defeat with bad grace / to be a sore loser / cannot afford to lose
to be able to withstand / to be able to endure
(dialect) to step aside; Get out of the way!
each new high point replaced by another / (of a movie etc) one climax after another
lit. to return to office after living as a hermit on Mount Dongshan (idiom); fig. to make a comeback
can't afford to offend / dare not provoke / difficult to deal with / insufferable
early to bed, early to rise; to keep early hours
an up-and-coming youngster; new talent; a brilliant younger generation

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